Chapter 10- The Other Guest

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Chapter 10

Zhalia's POV

Monday slowly made its way to the present. The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday were filled with constant questions aimed at me about what really happened at the dance club. I repeated my answer over and over again about nothing happening. The area had been searched and we were out of lockdown today; finally free from this mad house. It was driving me insane when everyone was whispering about me when I wasn't around. I checked my phone to find a text from Cleo:

Are you out of lockdown now? Movie night tonight with Elana and other people, come with? You can explain why you ditched us then. ;-)

I replied instantly, wanting to escape from this prison.

"Where are you going?" quizzed Xav, grabbing my arm as I was about to leave to go to Cleo's house.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Arm." I gritted. I phased through his grip as he didn't retreat his hand.

"We literally just came out of fricking lockdown; where do you think you're going so quickly?" he frowned.

"Out." I said dryly.

"Well, that wasn't vague or anything!" he said sarcastically. "What is wrong with you? You're acting more weird than normal. What really happened at the club?"

"Nothing happened; can you please just stop with the constant nagging?"

"Can you stop with the constant silence? I mean, we're trying to protect the family and all you seem to think is that it's ok to suddenly hide important details from the rest of us!" he exclaimed.

"I'm not hiding anything." I sighed in frustration.

"We DO care, Zhalia." Xav muttered quietly. Too quietly that I almost missed it.

"What's going on here?" walked in Yves before I could reply. Argh, not another utterly annoying brother.

"He's being annoying, that's what's going on!" I quickly got my opinion out first.

"Wow! Xav annoying? Pff! He's, like, the least annoying one out of all of us!" Yves said sarcastically as he swatted Xav around the head with what seems to be a rolled up science magazine.

"Why thank you kind Sir!" he jokily replied with a fake posh accent as be bowed down to Yves who sniggered in response.

Turning around to face the door, I said "You boys are pointless! I'm going to Cleo's for movie night, don't wait up."

"Don't worry! I won't be staying up for you, I've got my bed to go to. The bed that I've been pulled away from as we were awake and looking behind each other's backs for the last two fricking days!" Xav shouted causing me to roll my eyes.


I didn't bother to ask Elana or someone to take me there, I needed time to think things through. What was I thinking? Why am I hiding the fact that Jace, my soulfinder, nearly killed me? Is it because of the stupid soulfinder bond that makes me want to protect him? I've never kept a secret like this that could endanger the family... But to be honest, I never had my soulfinder back then too.

I was about to knock on Cleo's door, when it swung open to find the host herself grinning.

"Great, you made it!" she said as she literally grabbed my arm and dragged me inside to find Elana, Parker and Jeff in the front room. "We have one more guest yet to arrive." Cleo announced, smiling at Elana.

I narrowed my eyes at them "Who is this guest exactly?"

"You just have to wait and see!" said Elana. She turned to face Cleo and said "By the way, where's the rest of your family?"

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