Chapter 3- The Sighting

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Chapter 3

Zhalia's POV

"Come on. We're going be late for school if you keep reapplying your make up, Elana!" I complained. Me and Cleo had to wait inside Elana's house for the last 30 minutes as she kept messing up her makeup.

"Stop worrying your asses off, sheesh! We won't be late! I'll just teleport us to the bathroom and then we can sneak into home-room, problem solved!" she replied. Elana and Cleo were both savants too and have both found their soulfinders; Elana can make herself, things and other people teleport somewhere else. She had found her soulfinder, Parker Green, when she went on holiday with her family last year to Portugal. Parker's family wanted to move from Portugal and decided to live in Colorado so the couple could be together. Cleo is able to know anyone's desires anything that someone wants deeply. The desires could be from cravings of food to something 'sexual', it just had to something that they want really bad for her to pick up. She found her soulfinder, Jeff Hunter, in Canada after her cousin found his soulfinder, who is a soulseeker. Luckily, Elana and Cleo didn't ditch me and go all lovey dovey around me (that much) as I still haven't found mine yet despite Crystal being a soulseeker.

My power allows me, something or someone else to be able to phase (go through) other solid objects. I love my power sometimes but other times, it can be really hard. The Benedict family attracts trouble so every time we get shot at, it kind of became my job that the bullets don't actually hit us! Using my powers on lots of people for a long period of time can really give me a headache, a nose bleed or on worse cases: pass out!

"Oh. My. God. Elana, hurry up or we'll go without you!" complained Cleo.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!" replied Elana. "I hope everyone is in home-room and not in the bathroom when we teleport in or we're done for!" After getting our stuff, Elana transported us to school and we quickly rushed into home-room just in time.


Me, Elana and Cleo were walking out of our third lesson to go to the place where we, Jeff, Parker and sometimes other friends eat our lunch on the school field when Cleo suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor which flowed with swarms of people.

"What?" I asked.

"It's Jace!" she whispered as she pointed to a guy, who was putting something into his locker next to Zed and his friends. "If I hadn't met Jeff, then I would totally hook up with this guy!"

I rolled my eyes. Looking at Jace, I took him in. His eyes were green like the colour of olives; his hair was dark shade of brown that covered his forehead and flicked out a bit on the sides of his head against his slightly tanned skin. His skin tone made him look like he had mixed heritage or something. He was tall- obviously over 6ft- but not as tall as Zed. His body was lean with obvious muscles which weren't way too bulky but enough to make a girl melt!

"So... What do you think of him?!" Elana asked me with a smirk as she started to nudge me.

"Well, I guess he's kinda good looking!" I said awkwardly.

"Kinda?!" They both shrieked which caused a few people to stare in our direction.

"What?" I said sheepishly causing them to both stared at me with the 'what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you' kind of look. "Okay, okay! He is actually quite hot! But he's got an annoying face that makes me want to punch it in!" I pointed out. They looked at me with their mouths hanging open.

"How could you say that?! He's got a face of an angel!" Elana squealed.

"A wayyy too innocent face. I just want to wipe that innocence away, it's annoying!" I still had that urge that I felt before seeing him: to strangle him until his life ended, despite him being hot. "And besides I thought you guys were only meant to have the hots for your soulfinders?"

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