Chapter 2- Brothers

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Author Note: Sorry about the fact that the last two chapters were kind of short! Hopefully some chapters will be longer as I go along. Btw, just because some of the characters are American doesn't mean I'm going to be writing with American spelling e.g. Mom instead of Mum.

Chapter 2

Zhalia's POV

Today was a drag. I briefly spoke to Sky telepathically during our Physics class as we both weren't that interested in 'The Collision Theory'. She even mentioned the new guy, Jace, in the conversation; I hadn't had any lessons with him the whole day so I still haven't even seen this guy, not even around school! I was curious to know why he joined now when we only have three months left of our senior year. Also, we have the rest of this week (Tue - Fri) before the April holidays! (AN: This when England schools have a holiday, I don't know about anywhere else)

Luckily, on the way home, Cleo and Elana didn't blab on about the new guy: the thought of him still angered me and I don't know why! We started to talk about our new dance routine that we have to do at our hip hop/street dance club. Dancing is my life! It's the only way I can let go of my emotions and just relax. Mum got me to sing so I could sing with her sometimes (Mum is really good at singing) but I don't enjoy it as much as I do dancing! Sad thing is is that I can't enter in competitions any more as Savants aren't meant to become famous.

As I got to my house, I saw Zed's motorbike outside the house already. I groaned; I hoped he would have gone round his friends or Sky's house. All seven of my brothers' soulfinders are the best sisters I could have asked for (Cleo and Elana count to) but my brothers are absolute dickheads! Luckily, not all seven live at the house anymore despite the fact that they all have their own rooms. Zed and Yves are the only ones still here. Phee (Phoenix) is also staying as she's married to Yves. The married couple are happily attending the college in Wrickenridge (AN: I don't know if there actually is one but you guys can imagine, can't you?!)The rest of my brothers are all in Denver with their soulfinders other than Xav and Crystal who live in New York.

Entering the house, I called "I'm home!"

I could hear someone giggling in the kitchen so I headed to it to find Sky laughing softly. I turned to see Mum swatting Zed away from the hot pot as he tried to pick out of it.

"Hello, love. How'd school go?" Mum smiled at me before scowling again at Zed as he tried to pick out of the pot again whilst Mum was distracted by me.

"It was okay, just like any other school day," I replied. Yeah, like an apparent hot new guy joining our school making it near the top of the school gossip board, happens like every school day, I thought sarcastically to myself.

Grinning like a child he once and still is, Zed made his way to Sky, who was still laughing slightly. He budged her out of her seat and sat down on it. Sky put her hands on her hips and frowned at him; they were obviously having a telepathic conversation about something.

Suddenly Zed roared with laughter. "Man, I love it when go all British on me!" he managed to say whilst pulling her to his lap and kissing her squarely on the lips. I looked away feeling awkward looking at my brother kissing. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of my brothers even though it's slightly my fault that I'm pushing Crystal, Xavier's soulfinder, away for helping me find my other half.

"No passionate love making sessions whilst I'm cooking, please!" Mum said with a mock stern tone as she carried on cooking.

"Mum, you and Dad always, and I mean always, have a passionate moment whilst you're cooking for the last 30 odd years of you two being together so don't have a go at me!" smirked Zed.

"Hate to say it but Zed's right, Mum! People at your age shouldn't be doing that at all, especially when your very own children or other people are around! It's kind of disturbing!" I shuddered.

"Don't listen to them, Karla. It's not disgusting at all!" piped in Sky. "It's so cute!"

But before Mum could reply, Yves burst into the house with Phee trailing behind who was sighing but had a smile.

"I'm hungry!" Yves complained.

"You boys and your food!" Mum said shaking her head, disapprovingly.

"What?! Are you going to starve us growing men, huh Mum?" whined Yves. Men? More like five year olds stuck in men's bodies! "You wouldn't dare leave us starving. You love us too much to see us die from hunger!" Yves carried on.

"You boys don't need any more food, you've grown enough! You make me the odd one out; I hate how you take after your father in the height department!" Mum sighed. "Oh! Before I forget, I just wanted to say that the rest of your brothers are coming on Friday and Saturday because of the holidays."

I groaned at the idea of my brothers all coming together; they always found ways to annoy me. Like the time when I asked Xav to come quickly look at something in my room. The second he came in, he left again to go back to his bed. He said that I said he only had to come and quickly look at something, not that he had to stay and do something about it. Another time when my brothers annoyed me was when it was mine and Zed's birthday and all my brothers got me ferrero rochers. They claimed that they had 'forgot' that I had nut allergies. Therefore, meaning that they shared seven trays amongst themselves, Zed getting more chocolate. Mum forced my brothers to give me some money so I wasn't left completely present-less from them. Even then they only gave me around $5 each.. They were like untameable wolves that acted as pack. They stuck up for each other against me even if I was right and they were in the wrong! I hated them with my guts. You're probably thinking that 'hate' is a very strong word, but that strong word is the most accurate way of describing my severe dislike towards my stuck up brothers! Them coming altogether was NOT a pleasant thought...

Author Note: Thanks for all the reads! Make ure you keep the votes and the comments coming too!

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