Chapter 15- Apart

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Author's Note: I should have mentioned that this story is originally on and I'm copying it here for Finding Sky readers. Some of the character description is slightly different but it's basically the same. However, because some of these chapters I wrote ages ago so some of the entertainment or other things were current/new at the time of writing.

Chapter 15

Zhalia's POV

Me, Cleo and Elana went to go watch The Fault in Our Stars this morning. We came out of the cinema with red eyes and puffy faces. How could John Green break our hearts like that? Why did he have to make us love Gus so damn much?! Before we left the building and headed to the park to just hang out, we sorted ourselves out so we didn't look like just had a crying fit. At the park, we hung around the swings- but not like those intimidating group of teenagers that are mean to little children or very judgemental. We started talking about the film but somehow drifted into a conversation about mine and Jace's 'connection'. Seeing that I haven't told them that we were technically seeing each other, it was kind of an awkward conversation. I just don't know how they're going to deal with it.

"Personally, I think your soulfinder is a dickhead and you should carry on ignoring him for the rest of your life. I mean who tries to kill their soulfinder!" Elana put forth her opinion.

"He's my soulfinder; how can I just ignore him for the rest of my life? He didn't know we were soulfinders when he tried to kill me anyway!" I couldn't believe she just said that.

"Are you listening to yourself?! You just said he tried to kill you! He tried to kill you! How can you live with someone who is a murderer?!" Elana interrogated angrily.

"But he didn't kill me! He might have not killed anyone yet! You wouldn't be able to ignore Parker, would you?"

"Guys-" Cleo started to say but was interrupted by Elana.

"Well, my soulfinder is not a dick- he doesn't go around trying to kill people!" her voice rising.

"Jace hasn't killed anyone yet!" I repeated. "If Parker went around trying to kill people, you would want to help him to be a better person and to be with him! You wouldn't be able to ignore him!"

"Parker would never do that in the first place!" shot back Elana.

"He could have been! What happened to friends before guys, Elana?" I asked, hurt by her words.

"Since one of my best friends decided to stick up for a lost cause!" she said which left my mouth hanging.

"Elana, enough! What has gotten into you?!" Cleo burst. "Actually, wait. I don't want to hear it right now!"

"I'm going home!" I stated and started to walk off.

I'm sorry about Elana; I'll speak to her. Cleo telepathically spoke to me apologetically.

It's ok; she should apologise herself though. I replied.

She will, I'll make sure of it. She confirmed before cutting the connection. I'm definitely not going to them now- especially Elana.

Jace's POV

I sat on the steps of the front porch with my hands in my face, waiting for Zhalia. How was I going to pull this off. Seeing her heart shatter before my eyes, knowing that I'd be the reason she's hurt, will rip me apart. I might not be able to go through with it and end up making things worse. I had to be strong or who knows what might happen to her. If she knows I'm breaking up with her to protect her then she'll just say we'll do it together and still hang around me. I-

"Jace?" came a voice I instantly recognised- one that I wish I didn't have to face just yet, not wanting to break it. "What are you doing here?"

I peeked my eyes out of my hands and looked up at Zhalia. Sighing, I tried to put on a serious face as I stood up. "Can I speak to you?"

"Fine, whatever!" she said, irritated about something that must of just happened. This is not going to end well! We made our way to our little spot into the woods.

When we entered the small clearing, I stopped with Zhalia a few feet behind me. Turning around to face her, I saw her walking towards me; I put my hand up signalling for her to stop which she obeyed, confused.

"What is it?" she said with a slight worrying tone to her voice.

"I'm breaking up with you." I said, trying to sound as if it didn't affect me.

"What?!" she whispered, she tried to reach out to me but I flinched away.

"You heard me, I'm breaking up with you." The more she hates me, the better. Even if it hurts. "It's not gonna work, me and you. The fact that we were always hiding from our families will only make things worse overtime."

"What? Please tell me you didn't tell my family about us?!" she sounded desperate, hurt.

"About what used to be us!" I pointed out. "I don't want to deal with us any more!"

"Did you tell them about the whole killing thing?" she barely even whispered.

"Yes. We have come to an agreement that does not concern you!" I paused, took a deep breath and said "I don't love you.". Ouch- that even hurt me just by saying it... She looked wounded by my words.

"I knew this would happen!" muttered Zhalia. Louder, she said "I shouldn't have trusted you! I should have listened to Elana!" Tears trickled down her face- her beautiful face that I had just crushed.

She ran away before anything else could happen. I was left here in the woods.


Zhalia's POV

I ran home. Why was I so stupid? Your soulfinder doesn't love you! Your soulfinder doesn't love you! A voice sang at the back of my head. I phased through the door. I didn't realise everyone was standing in the passage until Crystal swamped me into a hug.

"Everything will be ok!" she whispered. Does she even believe in her own words?

"No it's not, Crystal!" I said loudly, making sure everyone heard me. Crystal let go of me but looked into my eyes with disbelief. I carried on speaking. "Xav has never, ever, told you that he never loved you." I turned to face everyone. "None of you were rejected by your other half!" My voice broke as the words came out of my mouth.

"I was, Zhalia! Sky didn't like me at first- she hit me with her shopping bags!" Zed mentioned causing Sky to give a sad smile towards him.

"But she never said she didn't love you, did she? She just didn't like you for a good reason: she was new to the whole savant thing. She was scared." I sobbed. "Me, I've been told that my soulfinder didn't love me from the man himself. He had no excuse, he knew about savants."

"Everything is not as it seems, Zhalia!" Ida started to comfort but I interrupted her.

"Is it? The whole thing seems very true to me!" I started to head to my room.

"You helped us, let us help you!" Phee called out to me as I reached the top of the stairs.

"You can't help this lost cause." I muttered before I went to my room, leaving my family to think to themselves.

Curling up in bed, I let the waterfall of tears come splashing down my face, making my pillow wet. Look at yourself! You look just like Bella Swan from Twilight: crying over a boy who left on his own accord. You're weak! The voice nagged at the back of my head again. I stopped myself from crying. I wasn't going to prove the voice in my head right; and I am most certainly not going to grieve over him, even if it does hurt that he left me hanging. I never liked Bella anyway- I'm sure she only used Edward to become a vampire. And besides, who wouldn't choose Jacob?

I fell asleep not knowing what tomorrow will bring...

AN: Comment and vote despite the crappy chapter.

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