Chapter 7- They Never Appreciated

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Chapter 7

Zhalia's POV

Saturday came way too quick for my liking! Only Uri, Will and their soulfinders came this morning despite the fact that they only live a couple of hours drive away compared to my other brothers. It gets a little too crowded when everyone's around. Bed arrangements were a nightmare. The married couples were allowed to sleep together, alone, in my brother's rooms. The non-married couples had to sleep separately, meaning that the boys slept in their own room whilst the rest of the girls have to bunk in my room with me. Xav was still sleeping from Friday as he was still 'battling jet lag', as he likes to phrase it; we all know the real reason was not because of jet lag due to coming back to Colorado from New York with Crystal; it was because he had a lazy ass and couldn't be asked to get his butt moving! Another reason is probably because he had done something during the night, which involves Crystal that also kept him awake during the night.

In the morning, me and the rest of the girls helped Mum make breakfast; the boys, well, let's just say that they couldn't be asked! Uriel found his soulfinder, Ida, in South Africa. She has the power to shape shift. Vick found Cora, in Afghanistan. She has the power to control gravity which she uses to piss off Vick. Will's soulfinder, Esme, was from Amsterdam. She has the power to make multiple copies of herself. When breakfast was ready, my brothers and Dad came into the dinning room that was attached to the kitchen.

"Zhalia, get out of my seat!" said Vick as he tipped me out of the seat.

"Hey! Who said this was your seat?" I said.

"I always sit on this seat and you know it!" he shot back.

"You don't always sit on this chair! You're not even here half the time! So when you were gone, I took over this seat, so pi-" I quickly stopped myself from carrying on the word and looked at my Mum to see if she had noticed. She frowned disapprovingly but didn't say anything. Quickly, I carried on as if nothing had happened whilst I caused Vick to phase right through the chair, making him land on the floor with a 'thump', "So go away and find another seat."

"Zhalia!" Mum said sternly.

"What?! I sit on this chair more than he does, so technically it's become my chair!" I said innocently.

"It's a god damn chair, Zhalia! Vick doesn't live under this roof any more so let him sit in the chair at least once whilst he is here!" she sighed. "Why you children just don't get along is a mystery to me!". Vick smirked as I huffed my way to one out of the two empty chairs.

"Yeah, Zhalia! It's a god damn chair!" Xav mimicked Mum which earned him a punch in the ribs from Crystal and a glare from Dad. Stupid brothers- who needs them!

Jace's POV

I went to my Dad's office quickly before I left to go to Zed's house.

"Come in." my father said after I knocked on the door. I entered to find him sat behind a table piled high with paper work.

"I'm going now to the Benedict's house." I informed my dad.

"Ok, Scott will be near but not too near for the Benedicts to detect." he said. I nodded before turning to leave. "And Jace," I stopped in my tracks. "You know the consequences, don't you- if you don't complete the whole task?" I gulped and nodded. "Good."


I pulled up in front of their house. I noticed that there were loads of cars and motorbikes parked outside the house; consequences of being in a big family, I thought- insurance and petrol! I knocked on the front door. A few seconds later Zed came and opened it.

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