Chapter 17- The Exchange

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Chapter 17

Zhalia's POV

I got closer. Closer. Closer. Bang! Ouch!

I dropped to the floor with the pain mainly in my face. What the hell? Something just hit me; or did I hit it? I ran into something that I couldn't even see. The rest of the Benedict herd caught up; mum dropped to the floor next to me and leaned down over me, panting slightly from the running. "Zhalia, honey? Are you ok? What happened? Speak to me Zhalia! Please be ok!" Man when she's worried- she's worried!

"I hit something!" I groaned. Xav came up to me to give me a check up but I lightly pushed him away as I stood up.

I saw Vick, Trace and Dad standing roughly where I hit something. They were poking something invisible in mid-air and muttering to each other. They looked kind of stupid poking the air.

"Where is Sky? I need her!" Zed said anxiously, he was going loose it any minute now if he didn't get her back.

Before I could reply, Dad spoke up to the rest of us "It's a force field- a physical shield. It must be Jace's cousin, Scott's doing. Their family are behind all of this." Jace: even the sound of his name caused pain emotionally and physically to course around my body.

Zed went over to the invisible shield and looked closely through it to also find the five figures on the other side of the clearing. I examined them closely this time to find that the four standing figures were angled facing away from us meaning that they couldn't see us. One figure was sitting against a tree; from back here it looked like someone with brown hair. He, or she, had their hands between their back and the tree as if they were tied up.

"Sky! Sky!" Zed started shouting as he banged against the shield. I noticed one of the standing figures was Sky and the other three standing were men. Who's the one tied up?

The standing figures turned around to face us, attracted by the shouting coming from Zed. Sky started to run towards us, calling Zed's name desperately. However, before she really got anywhere, one of the men grabbed her.

"SKY!" Zed screamed, frantically banging on the shield as if it is the last thing he'll ever do. As he goes to bang again, he suddenly tumbles forward like the shield had disappeared. Zed steadies himself. It only takes him a few seconds to take in the fact that the shield has gone before he sprints towards the direction of Sky.

"Zed, wait!" Saul shouted after him. I didn't wait either as I legged it after him. "Zhalia!"

"Great! More running!" a female voice from my family groaned as the rest of them came after us. I recognised the three standing men to be Jace's family: John, Scott and Jason. Jace showed me pictures of them when we used to meet up in the woods. He also explained their powers. Stop! I can't think of those memories of us together now! Keep your head on straight, Zhalia! I looked at the person against the tree: Jace. Cloth was tied around his mouth to stop him from speaking. His hands were tied up by ropes which were wrapped up around the tree.

"Stop!" John commanded, holding up his hand. "If you want Sky to be ok." We all stopped dead in our tracks. John laughed softly, "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?! You give us what we want and we give you Sky!"

"Fine, have whatever you want. Just, please, give us Sky unharmed." Zed demanded but his voice was trembling with fear. Muffled sounds came from Jace, shaking his head frantically as tried to get his hands free. Was he trying to warn us?

"Zed, be careful. You don't know what they want!" Vick warned.

"That's right, Zed!" Jason smirked as he held Sky. "You don't what we want!"

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