Chapter 6- Soccer

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Author's Note: The media is a quote from the last chapter.

Chapter 6

Zhalia's POV

"Mum!" Zed shouted as he jogged downstairs.

"I'm in the kitchen, you don't need to shout!" Mum called. Zed came into the kitchen to find me eating breakfast and Mum making some more food for the rest of the family in this house. "What do you want? If it's money, a new phone or new games for any of your game consoles, then it's a big no no. You've recently had a new phone, you have too many games and if you've spent all your money and you're broke, then tough cookies!" she told him.

"No, it's not any of that," he smirked, knowing that's what he normally would asks for. He continued to say what he wanted to say "Can Jace come round on Saturday for lunch? He's new to the area. He can meet the whole famous, Benedict clan as everyone's coming round this weekend." I dropped my spoon into my bowl when I heard Jace's name! I quickly went back to my food before anyone noticed me with my mouth wide open.

"Sure, it would be nice to welcome him into the area and to meet him." she replied, smiling as she carried on making breakfast.

"Great. I'm going to now." he said as headed out of the kitchen and into the passage to put on his shoes and get the motorbike helmets. Eager to get to school, is he? I thought.

"Wait, you haven't had breakfast yet!" Mum said as she quickly headed out of the kitchen, obviously worrying about her youngest son's health about skipping one meal.

"I'm going to go pick up Sky, I'll grab something at her house!" Ahh, it was Sky he was eager to get to.

"But-" before Mum could finish, Zed was already out the door and revving up his motorbike. She sighed and came back to the kitchen. Finishing my food, I got up and went to the sink to clean my dishes. Suddenly, there was a bang on the door.

"I'll get it." I said as I went to the door, knowing that it will be Elana. Opening the door, I found her standing opposite me on the front decking, with her school bag.

"Ready to get Cleo?" she questioned as she came in, closing the door behind her.

Nodding, I shouted to my Mum as I picked up my bag and put on my shoes "I'm going!".

"You don't need to shout!" I heard my Mum's voice from the kitchen, I smirked. Elana put her hand on my arm and we teleported to Cleo's house to pick her up.


Lunch came round the corner when the first three lessons came and went. Me, Cleo and Elana went to the field to eat as it was a sunny day today. Some people were doing things other than just eating to let the lunch time hour go past, for example playing football (AN: or soccer if you're American. I'm just going to use American words if I can remember them but English spelling). We found Parker and Jeff at our usual spot and we sat down next to them.

"Oh look Zhalia; guess who's playing soccer!" Cleo said wiggling her eyebrows.

Looking over at the group of boys playing soccer, I noticed Jace bending the ball like Beckham into the net, his brown hair bouncing u and down as he runs. I also noticed Sheena giving flirty looks at Jace and Zed when they looked in her direction.

"Zed?" I replied teasingly, knowing she was talking about Jace. She gave me one of those 'seriously!' kinda-looks.

"Who's playing with your brother?" she asked, trying to get me to say his name.

"Sean?" I smiled, knowing it will piss her off.

"Jace!"she sighed, shaking her head.

"He's good." commented Parker on Jace's soccer skills.

"More reason for Zhalia to like him then!" smirked Elana, putting on her sunglasses.

"Oh, all of you get a life." I groaned. "Us two will never happen. If he's hanging around Zed, that means he probably is like Zed- which he is, rude and big headed. Me and Zed do not get along!"

"I've already got a life, thank you. And I like it just the way it is!" Elana said as she cuddled up in Parker's arms, smiling. I looked away with a tang of jealousy of what they had.

Noticing that I was a bit uncomfortable with Elana and Parker cuddling, Cleo, trying to distract me but still teasingly said "He could be your soulfinder, you know? All we have to do is get you to go round each other's houses and to get to know each other and then BANG! You'll be love birds before you know it!"

"Zed already invited him round this Saturday for lunch when the rest of my brothers are coming round." I muttered.

"What?!" Cleo and Elana exclaimed.

Realising the effects of what I had just said, I tried to dig my way out of it "but I won't be talking to him, let alone be alone with him, obviously!"

"Yeah right!" snorted Cleo.

Getting irritated, I said "Can we just leave this subject about Jace now, please?"

"Ok. For now anyway." replied Elana, smiling. I sighed helplessly.

Jace's POV

As I headed towards my motorbike, I pulled out my phone and called my Dad. He picked up after the fourth ring.

"John speaking." came my Dad's voice from the other end of the line.

"Hey, Dad! It's me, Jace. I'm heading home now as school's finished. I just wanted to let you know that Zed Benedict, the seventh child, invited me round theirs on Saturday for lunch. He said all his brothers and sister will be home. I'm guessing the brother's soulfinders will be there as well." I replied.

"Good. Everything is going as planned. You know what to do on Saturday- get to know them and see how they work. Nothing else just yet. I'll be home late tonight. Jason will be home by 5 if he doesn't do anything stupid, hopefully. Scott will be back by 5:30. Others will be already home or come later. Just ring if anything bad pops up. You'll be fine, yes? You won't do anything stupid and worth punishing, will you?" Scott was Jason's older brother. Jason is my age, just couple of months older and Scott is two years older than Jason. Their Dad, my uncle Phil, is in prison for God knows what. My cousins and my Dad might have told why he's in there but I've forgotten, too much stuff in my brain to remember if they ever told me. Scott was way more sensible than Jason by a long shot.

"I'll be fine, dad. And no, I won't do something stupid! See you later." I replied before hanging up.

Author's Note: Please it that vote button and even a few words in the comments will be grateful!

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