Chapter One: Party Bets

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Chapter One: Party Bets

"Come on!" Marina begged. She threw on a sequin dress and high heeled boots.

"No Marina, I'm not going to your ridiculous bonfire party. It's stupid and immature, plus no one wears sequins anymore." I scoffed.

"Taylor Swift does." she sadly pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"To hell with her. And besides," I groaned as I hauled myself off of my bed "this has been the fourth party you've thrown, you need to stop."

"Please Emma! There'll be booze!" she begged.

"This is exactly why I don't want to go."

"Why? Because you don't want to have fun?"

"Because I don't want to be stinking drunk."

A twisted smirk flashed on her face and I groaned as Marina conjured an idea. "Well I'll get stinking drunk."

"No Marina-

"And who'll drive me home?" she sarcastically wondered and folded her arms across her chest.

"Don't you dare get drunk-

But she cut me off too quickly "Maybe Charles will, you know the fifty-something guy who'll supply the booze for us-

"Okay! I'll go!"

"Yay!" she squealed and jumped up and down like a toddler.

"But the only reason is to drive my dumb and drunk friend home safely." I said.

"Doesn't matter," she said with a devious giggle "I'm going to dress you up so sexy, all the guys will love it!"

"It's just a bonfire." I sighed but she didn't listen to me and started to tear up both of our closets.

"You know this is a dorm room, not a department store, Marina." I said but she didn't care and continued to mix and match both of our clothes like a crazy witch who's brewing up a potion. Yeah. A potion to make me sexy. Me? Sexy? In your dreams.

"Oh! I got it!" she shouted and I tossed me a red body-con dress and black heels.

"Are you serious." I sighed and screamed as she grabbed for my hair with a hot and ready curling iron.

"Deal with it, Emma! Pain equals beauty!" she said while trying to wrestle me down to pierce extra holes in my ears.


"Hurry up, we're going to be late!" Marina shouted from the door as I walked out of the bathroom and tripped over clumps of stray clothes on the ground.

After about two hours of screaming and arguing, we both compromised to have me wear a pair of jean shorts, a red tee shirt, and a pair of black leather heeled boots. She wanted me to also carry around a black leather jacket. Not to wear, but of course to carry it behind me like a biker chic to give guys major boners.

"Oh my god! You look perfect!" she clapped her hands wildly as we drove to the bonfire.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow as pulled on my wild curly brown hair and fake eyebrow piercings.

"What? It makes you look scary." Marina complimented.

I sighed deeply and for the whole car ride I picked at my fake piercings.

When we arrived at the bonfire it was cold and breezy. After two minutes Marina already has a ready and cold bud-light in her palm and I had to steer her clear away from the muscle-y and tan-toned guys that wore snap backs and sport hoodies.

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