Chapter Ten: Double Date

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Chapter Ten: Double Date

"Aighghh!!" I woke up to a rude awakening of falling out of bed and hitting my face on the ground. Dylan was in an even more startle.

"Wh-what?" he asked.

That's when I noticed it. Me. In a room. That isn't mine!

"D-did I-

"Don't say it," he said pinching the bridge of his nose "it'll just make the moment worst."

The door opened and Damien poked his head in.

"Okay love birds, could you stop your sexing and get dressed?" he said which shocked me by surprise. I felt my cheeks blush and in anger Dylan threw the door closed on his face.

"I'm sorry about that." he said with a low and quiet voice. Timid is what I'd describe it as.

"Sorry about what?" I asked realizing that pieces of my clothes were strung on the ground.

"N-no." I stuttered nearly falling again.

"We didn't-

"No we didn't, it wasn't anything bad." he said then pulled his shirt back on.

My bones were quaking and I couldn't feel my limbs. What happened? Why can't I remember anything that happened? Did something? No. No, we couldn't have.

"Okay," I sighed heavily and pulled my clothes back on quickly and paced to the door "I'll see you downstairs."

Rushing out the door I could feel his guilty gaze on me. It was awkward yet enticing at the same time, I forced myself to hurry up when I felt a hard hand grab me from behind when I was downstairs in the dining hall.


"So you made out with Dylan did you?" Damien asked. His muscled arms crossed over his chiseled chest and his bruise on his face gleamed a bit of purple.

"I-I don't-

"Don't lie," Damien snickered "I've seen many girls fall for Dylan. But you? I think you beat the record."

"The record?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen a girl wait that long to get into bed with him." Damien chuckled lightly and felt anger boil in me.

"Well maybe because I really like him-

"All girls liked Dylan. You? I'm not so sure you're any different than them."

"I'll drive you back in your car."

"Then how are you getting back home?"

"I'll go when you go, besides I still need to talk to your friend. What was her name?" he said with a snicker and my rage fired in me.

"Marina." my fists tightened and my teeth gritted.

"Right." he laughed.

But when I didn't laugh along his grin faded from his face quickly.

"Don't get me wrong, she's a nice girl but-

"You like Rose." I interrupted him and his face reddened like a kettle.

"What did you say?" he asked embarrassed but angry at the same time.

"N-nothing." I recoiled a bit.

"Don't ever say that." he hissed angrily at me and I nodded my head rapidly. Scared of his pent up anger.

"Got it." I whispered hoarsely and he pulled back.

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