Chapter Eight: Evil In This House

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Chapter Eight: Evil In This House

"You're where!" Marina screamed over the phone.

"Shush." I hushed her but it only made her squeal.

"Oh my god, you are so gonna hook up with him. I knew it!" Marina giggled.

"Ugh, shut up." I muttered and I heard her laugh over the phone.

"Anyways, my date with Damien went amazing. He's dark, brooding, and has such a sexy last name Alamarri-

I froze completely.

"Hello? Emma?" Marina said over the phone.

"Yeah I'm gonna have to call you later." I said then hung up.

Suddenly, I heard a crashing noise next door in a room. Loud shouting radiated from there. I walked out and peeked into the tiny crack in the door.

"I can't keep dealing with her!" I heard Rose scream.

"Calm down." Damien's voice said. I heard her yelling through the small crack opening in the door.

"I can't calm down, Damien. It's your mother. She's done nothing but aggravate me since I've been here." Rose sighed heavily.

"It's okay, it isn't like I want to deal with her either-

"Then let's just kill her." Rose blurted out then silence filled the room.

I couldn't help but gasp with surprise from Rose's remark. I know that she hates Boss, but does she really hate her enough to kill her.

"It isn't fair that she keeps putting the blame on me." Rose yelled.

"I know, but she's my mom too. And as much as I'm annoyed with her, I can't kill her." Damien sighed.

"I can't believe you've gone soft." she spat angrily at him.

"I can't believe it either." he said with a dark chuckle.

"I'm sorry." I heard Rose sigh and with courage, I dared to peek through the tiny crack in the door.

That's when I saw them, hands, legs, arms, bodies intertwined kissing. Something in me boiled with rage, Damien kissing another girl while he goes out with Marina. I felt anger explode in me. Throwing the door open I ran in and threw Rose away from him.

I stared at his astonished face then sprung out my hand as it collided with his face with a slap.

I screamed at him. "How dare you-

I felt strong arms grab me from behind and throw me far away.

"How much did you hear?" Rose demanded and when I stopped being dizzy I found a gun pointed at me.

"Enough to know that's cheating-

I felt the whiz of a bullet hit the wall behind me and I couldn't breath for a second.

"That was a warning shot," Rose said viciously "the next one goes in your head."

"You can stop scaring her now." Damien said muttering angrily.

"Goddamn it, Emma. That was some hard-ass hit." he groaned and massaged his face from my hit and I couldn't help but feel satisfied by that.

"You're cheating with Marina." I growled at him and a puzzled look came upon his face.

"Who?" he asked.

"My friend." I scowled angrily at him. If I wasn't being held at gun point, I'd lash out at him again.

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