Chapter Twelve: Recovery

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Chapter Twelve: Recovery

Wow. Oh my god, it feels like I haven't updated in forever. But it's only been a few days so... anyways!! Here's the new chapter that you've all been waiting for... not :,C

Jk guys, jk. Anyways here you go, enjoy, and to all you Halloween lovers, Happy Halloween!

It's been three days since I've seen the syndicate.

It's been three days since I've seen Dylan.

It's been three days since I've started breaking down.

If I've been given a penance, then I need to confess what I've done.

I've never felt the weight of the gun before. I've never shot one, I've never shot at someone..Well I can't really say that now. After shooting that boy to death I wanted to keel over and have the earth swallow me up. I killed a boy I didn't even know, I shot him. Not because I hated him and not because I wanted him dead. It was because of Dylan.

Shooting him was Dylan's orders.

Sadly, I've been prone to see him as the good guy. Dylan. Of all people-a murderer-I no longer see him as something negative. Damien told me that he's got a sore leg and some broken ribs from the building collapsing on him.

Unfortunately, Marina's injuries were much worse. Damien told she was hospitalized while his back almost broke.

"You're lucky," Damien said smiling at me "you only have a few bruises and a broken arm. You should thank Dylan for protecting you."

I couldn't thank him. Sure he protected me, but he also told me to kill someone. And I so mercilessly did so.

With Marina in the hospital, it felt weird to wake up and not see her with her hot pink bathrobe and regular green avocado mask.

A week passed and I haven't heard anything from the syndicate until Damien came by wearing an arm sling and twin bruises and cuts on his arms. He spent about an hour telling me how much of a pain Dylan is when he's injured and when I started busying him around to get this or that he raised an eyebrow at me and scowled.

"Do I look like your local 7/11 kitten?" he huffed a sigh at me and I shook my head.


"Then why am I here for your convenience?" he snapped. I know he didn't mean it, but seeing Damien in such a crappy mood soiled mine.

"Whatever," I muttered "so I'm guessing that date didn't go well."

"What?" he crossed his arms as he shifted around in my arm chair that he sat on.

A smirk crept on my lips. "You know," I shrugged "the bet we made."

His face grew pale. "The fuck? I had a building dropped on me and now you want to smash your fist in my face? I think I'll pass."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not saying I want to."

Waving my broken arm in emphasis.

"I guess we can compromise," Damien winced from changing sitting positions "instead of bonding with Rose, go and talk to Dylan."

My eyes flew from my hands to his face. He was being dead serious.


"I want you to go talk to Dylan, he's better now so I think that you and him should stop the tension."


He grinned at me. "Don't lie to me Kitten-

I shot him a look but he rolled his eyes, not caring. "I know that you're sick to your stomach from what happened."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are."

His eyes danced at me and I got annoyed of how easily he can see right through me.

"You're angry at Dylan for making you shoot and stab someone, and you're also upset at yourself for following what he said."

"I'm not upset." I frowned at him and he raised an eye brow at me.


"Yes." I nodded.

"So you're perfectly okay that you just killed a life?" he asked and my face immediately turned to stone. As much as it hurts, me I can't hide it no matter what. My stomach's doing flip turns and I'd very much like to run to the bathroom and throw up in agony. But instead I sat there staring into Damien's eyes and tried my best to look okay.

"I'm fine." I answered. Damien looked stressed out, he ran a hand through his dark hair and rubbed his temples, definitely aggravated that I'm lying to him.

"Just talk to him. Okay?" he asked and I nodded-also a lie.

And that was that for the day. Guilt and anguish came mainly when I think of Dylan, also hatred. Lots of it too. But did I want to see him? No. Absolutely not.


The next day I found myself, handing in late assignments on my laptop. I know what Marina would say, that I should still be in bed and hospitalized. But I needed to get my mind off of something. Or someone.

I heard a knock on the door and silently prayed it wouldn't be Damien or Dylan.

"Come in." I said and closed the screen of my laptop.

A girl walked in. Her hair the color of a flame and her eyes smooth and dark like obsidian.

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked her.

"Oh," the girl said a little caught off by something, her eyes quietly scanned my dorm room "I'm Flint. The new R.A.."

"What happened to the old one?" I asked.

"Resigned," the girl made a saddened frown, she definitely looked too young to be an R.A. "so I decided to take the job."

Her face looks so young. Like she could still be in high school. "What year are you exactly?"

"First," she said "I skipped a few years of middle school."

I found that a bit skeptical, but shook it off.

"If there's anything, and I mean anything, just come and talk to me." Flint said with a smile then left the room.

It's nice to have someone here to fill in for Marina. Though she reminded me nothing like her, I felt a warm presence from her. It's a bit weird though, why would the old R.A. just leave in the middle of the year like that?

My phone rang and the ringtone disconnected my thoughts. I answered the call-it was Damien-and pulled my phone to my ear.


"Hi," he said over the static "are you ready to go talk to Dylan?"

I hissed under my breath. No, I wanted to tell him. But I bit my bottom lip and dealt with the inevitable. Sure, why not. I can't avoid him forever.


"Great, I'll pick you up in ten."

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