Chapter Two: A Stroll In The Woods

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Chapter Two: A Stroll In The Woods

I stared at the wall of trees stabbing the dark sky. Everyone stayed together as a pack and stared at me-the loner-walking into the scary woods.

"Two hours in the woods," Marina said in a shaking voice worrying about me "if you're not back by then, we'll look for you."

I stared ahead fearlessly. "I'll be fine, it's just the woods."

But when I looked at Marina and Dylan, they both look like they've just crapped in their pants. "If I'm not back by ten then I'll call you." I assured Marina but she still looked worried.

Right before I take a step into the woods, I felt someone grab my hand from behind. I turned around and saw Dylan holding a pocket knife.

"Here," he said handing it to me "I heard that there's bears in there um...large bears."

I tugged the corner of my lip up and chuckled. "What? Do you think I'm to run into some criminals?"

"Hopefully not." Dylan laughed along.

"I'll be fine," I said with a full smile but took his knife just in case "it's just a myth, Dylan."

Staring ahead I took a deep breath and evaluated what I was going to do for two hours of isolation inside the woods. Suggestions floated in my mind as I walked into the crowd of trees and darkness.

I can make a fire to keep warm. But that would attract unwanted animals.

I can pick berries and flowers. But how could I see in this kind of darkness.

I can play candy crush on my phone. But nobody on Facebook would give me lives.

Oh! I'll text Marina to give me some lives!

"I need lives for candy crush!" I texted her.

"I can't, no data left on my phone. And no way! I'm not giving you lives until you get one!" she replied.

I rolled my eyes as I crossed a field of tall grass. I felt the cool metal of the pocket knife, Dylan lent me. I stuffed it into my back pocket along with my phone.

Suddenly I heard rustling nearby in one of the shrubs.

Then loud angry groans.

"Hello?" I called out then wanted to slap myself. Way to get yourself murdered, Genius.

A reply of loud and angry groans erupted a few feet away behind a few trees.

Oh shit.

I picked up my feet and started to run, even if my feet were getting blisters in my heels.

I kept running until I tripped over my legs and started to fall. And then I started to roll down. Goddamn it! Pain erupted from my body and I felt myself become sore from rolling over sharp branches and twigs.

Finally I stopped rolling down.

"Ugh." I said groggily and pulled myself up.

In front of me stood a tall estate bordered by a black gate filled with spires and detail. The estate was full of rich and green grass with rich black cars parked on it. The pathway to the door was made of white stone marble and a boy stood behind the gates. His strong glare rested on me and I felt chills rolled over spine for miles.

He crossed his muscular arms and smirked at me. "So," his dark voice purred "you're here for the money too aren't you?"

I stared at the tall strong boy with fear "Th-the money?"

"Don't lie kitten, I know why you're here." he said behind the thick wrought iron gates. I'd deck him right between the eyes for calling me "kitten" but if I tried he'd probably kill me by stepping on me.

"Um.. what would that be for?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to take escape from the lowly lit estate but as I looked back a thicket of trees stood behind me.

The boy in the tight shirt practically ripped the gate open while raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you here to murder someone?"

No. No, no, no! Dylan's story can't be true.

"What estate is this?" I asked with panic rising in my chest and my hand slid from behind and still felt the solid form of my phone and pocket knife in my back pocket.

A twinkle of mischief danced around his eyes. "The Bitter Sweet Estate. We named because well, one guy was annoying us one time so we drugged him really bad until he died."

A wave of fear shot through me while the boy laughed a raw and cold laugh. When he noticed that I wasn't laughing he stared at me questionably.

"You are here for the competition, right?" he asked me and started step out of the gate.

"Uh..yeah!" I said quickly. Fuck! Why did I say that?

"Oh good," he started to laugh and I laughed nervously along with him "I thought you were one of those idiots who believed that we're some kind of myth. We kill all those kinds of Bastards."

"Oh." I said laughing nervously and felt my stomach turn over.

"Well come on." he said and led me through the marble pathway.

Goddamn it. Who knew that a sexy hot guy who's twice my size is leading me to my death.

"So what syndicate do you come from?" he asked.


"You know, what mob? Triad? I don't know gang?"

"Oh yeah I forgot," I lied and nervously laughed "I was never in those kinds of stuff."

"Really?" he said and I nodded rapidly.


"This seems weird," he said scratched the top of his head and a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead "at first I thought you were some kind trespasser or a crackpot theorist, because you look so fragile-

"I fell down a hill! What do you expect!" I snapped at him but he only laughed his raw and cold kind of laugh.

"But yeah, I think Bitter Sweet can use a new member like you. I like you. A bit feisty, a bit amazing at the same time."

"I hope a bit modest too." I snorted and he laughed at my remark.

"True, but if you win. Remember, my name's Damien. You'll need it." he said with a smirk.

"If you beat this last guy, I swear I'll believe that you're some bad-ass Criminal. No one's been able to beat him, so don't think you'll get lucky." he said as he placed his hand on the doorknob.

"Oh I think I can beat him." I said faking confidence. What the fuck am I saying though! I felt the coolness of the pocket knife in my back pocket. Luckily Dylan lent me this. I won't kill anyone, I'll just fake it until I can escape. Yeah! It'll be all fine.

"Great," he said with a kind smile "if you live through this I'll introduce to my friend Dylan, awesome guy."

My eyes widened. Dylan! What does he have to do with this? But before I could open my mouth he shoved me inside of the estate and I was engulfed by bright lights, loud cheering, and a six foot girl holding a machete cornered me.

"Welcome newcomer," she grinned and her piranha teeth glistened viciously as she held her knife high and ready to strike "are you ready to die?"

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