Chapter Nineteen: Suicide Mission

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Chapter Nineteen: Suicide Mission

Someone give me a random number between 20-100? Thanks. ^-^

It's been three days of hiding out in my dorm. I haven't been attending any of my lectures and have been finishing my work on my laptop. Chinese takeout from strewn pizza boxes were mapped around my messy dorm. I haven't been doing my laundry either and had to rely on some of Marina's clothes, though just touching it made me want to throw up.

"Just have Damien do your laundry." Peter said while polishing his black AK gun with pride.

"Please," I shuddered at the thought of him going through my clothes "I'd rather not."

"Suit yourself." he shrugged then went back to carefully polishing his weapons one by one.

"Why don't you have Dylan do it?" Polly asked as she sat on the arm chair while swinging her legs rapidly.

"Again, I'd rather do my own laundry and Dylan and I aren't going so well. Sorry Polly." I frowned at her and she pinched her lips into a matching frown.

"Knock knock." I heard Damien's voice from outside of the door.

Peter walked over and opened the door to toss a metal object at him and to Polly a stuffed bear, then tossed me a wrapped subway sandwich.

"Looks like you've really tidy-ed this place up." Damien snickered and tossed a stray bra off of the nightstand and I scowled at him.

"Don't go through my stuff like that." I frowned at him while biting into the subway.

"Okay, I guess I try." he said emphasizing the mess that is my room.

I sighed deeply, changing the subject. "How's Marina?" I asked and the question knocked everyone off their feet.

"What?" I stared at their astonished faces.

"Look," I sighed "I know she tried to trade me to a shady organization but she is still my friend."

Their faces didn't change.

"Okay that didn't sound good either." I exhaled then gave up.

Luckily Polly changed the subject just at the right moment before anything else got too awkward. She turned to her laptop.

"Guys," she drawled in a worried manner "we have company."

"Who?" Peter asked snatching his gun.

"That red-headed cunt from earlier today." Polly angrily sneered and was ready to spit on her computer screen as if it was indirect insulting.

"Calm down now Polly." Damien chided as if he was the mature one in the group.

"Where is she now?" I asked her and she moved her mouse around a couple of times then clacked a few keys.

"At the entrance, should I blow it up?" she said full of blood lust.

"No," I quickly said "the entrance is our only way out, plus the cunt has a blow torch."

Polly smirked at my insult and clacked a few more keys.

"What's the plan?" Peter asked while suiting up for ammo.

"Kill her," Damien shrugged "she's the only one left of the Helcott syndicate isn't she?"

"I-I guess."

"Good." Damien nodded then pointed at Peter.

"Go to the west wing behind the pool table, you'll have a good view on her from the entrance to shoot." he commanded and Peter nodded curtly afterwards.

"Polly, you keep watching her movements and tell us what she's planning. Only use the bombs when we've got nothing left."

"What are you doing?" I asked him and he stopped before saying his next command.

A scowl formed on his lips.

"Keeping your sorry ass alive, I know you're traumatized, I know you don't want to see anyone else die. But we're all going the extra mile to save you, Emma. Not hurt you." Damien's face was red even though he was trying to make me understand with anger and I couldn't help but want to duck and hide away from it.

"Okay." I whispered hoarsely.

"Good," he nodded "and afterwards, just fucking make up with Dylan-

"But he tried to kill Marina-

"I don't care about Marina! Right now I care about Dylan more than her, more than you, but if you can make him feel better then so be it." he snapped.

Now I was angry. I didn't know why. I guess it was because I didn't want to be pushed around by Damien. I took out two twin hand guns and loaded them up and made sure I brought extra ammo.

"Where are you going?" he asked me as I opened the door.

"To save my own sorry ass." I said back to him.

"That's suicide." he scoffed waiting for me to step back inside but I didn't instead I cocked my guns and threw the door closed.

All I saw was a catching glimpse of Damien's pale frightened face.

As I walked down the hall, I was soon to be engulfed in flames.

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