Chapter Twenty Three: Taking Charge

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Chapter Twenty Three: Taking Charge

After everyone had said goodbye to Damien and he'd driven away, the next morning I knew I had to take charge. Everyone was surprised and a bit nervous that I was in charge, of course I'd feel the same way if I found out that I was in charge.

"Okay," I said at the dining room and everyone was seated eating breakfast "first order of business, we defend. If anyone comes at us here, then we know it's from Marina."

My throat then inevitably swelled up when I said her name. It was like a curse.

Olivia raised a slim eye brow at me. "Yeah, we know. Then what's next?" 

I cleared my throat, a little nervous. "We move on, once they're dead we continue as if nothing bad happened."

"Are you sure you know how to run a syndicate-

"Olivia! That's enough." Carter shouted at her and the tall Asian girl folded her arms angrily.

Carter turned to me with a placid smile. "I was Boss's messenger, I'll show you all of the districts and areas the syndicate owns."

I sighed with relief silently. "Thank you."

Turning to Polly and Peter I gave them a smile. "Polly, I'm going to need you to stay with Peter and guard us, okay?"

The little girl nodded.

"Peter, I'll need you to snipe every last one of them." 

Then I turned to Orion who had a worried look on his face for me. "Are you sure you want to do this, Emma?" 

I nodded to him. "I'm sure, Orion. Why don't you go with Peter and Polly." 

He nodded but still kept cautious eyes on me.

"Yeah, and what are you going to do while we all work our asses off?" Olivia shouted and Carter threw her an angry look.

"Actually, I want you to stay with Carter and I. We'll all take shifts to signal when they're attacking. Polly, Peter, and Orion can take day. While Carter, you, and I can take night."

Olivia scoffed. "This is pathetic, I"m just saying why don't we attack the damn bastards already?"

"Because we don't know who we're up against." I replied and she jumped from her seat with a scream and knocked over the kitchen chair in frustration.

"I swear, I liked it better when Boss was in charge and still alive! You ruined it all!" she started to outburst like a child and all we could do was just sit there in shock. Except for Carter.

After Olivia ran out of there, he got up from his seat and walked swiftly after her. How are we supposed to defend the syndicate if we're all falling a part. Anxiety crept up my throat but before it could suffocate my heart I felt a hand warmly hold my shoulder and I looked over to see Orion with a smile.

"Let Olivia sort out her problems, I'm sure she'll be fine soon." he said and I stared at the direction she stormed off to. 


I sat in Boss's "office" with Orion a few minutes later discussing the plans. Of course I'd pay more attention but the hand grenades and the guns plastered and hung on the walls like shined trophies intimidated me. Orion saw my scared look and gave me a reassuring smile.

"It's okay Emma, they look dangerous but they really aren't. Think of them like they're here" he said and I smiled back but looking at all of the machine guns and bombs high strung on the wall kept scaring me.

"Don't worry about anything," he continued afterwards "Polly and Peter have everything all under control." 

"What about Carter and Olivia?" I asked.

"I'm sure they're alright-

Right on time they sprang in, rapidly walking towards us. Olivia's expression of hatred for me is gone, but it wasn't like she showed any sign of kindness either.

"They're here." 

My eyes widened. "Already?"

"Yeah, your friend from earlier? She just burned down the whole lawn. There's no way we can get out now." Olivia said and I pursed my lips. Marina? Burning? Those words shouldn't even be in the same sentence.

"What do we do now?" Olivia turned to me and I was caught off guard.


She smacked her forehead with the side of her palm and groaned. "Don't tell me you don't know already-

"Olivia." Carter warned and she sighed heavily afterwards.

Biting her lip angrily she stared at me with burning eyes. "Fine. Here's a suggestion, how about we split up into two groups and one take over the east wing and the other take over the west."

"Good," Orion gave her a now-was-that-so-hard smile "Emma will go with you and Carter. I need to go find the children and take over east."

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