Chapter Sixteen: Kit the Therapist

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Chapter Sixteen: Kit the Therapist

I woke up chained

...Okay that just sounded weird and gross.

I woke up...shackled?

Oh whatever same thing! I was shackled to a bed post by the arm and a comfortable blanket coated me with warmth. I don't know if this is a dream or heaven but I might never want to leave here now, I snuggled more into the blankets and smiled with comfort.

The door suddenly rapped and I groaned, wanting some time to sleep more.

The girl walked in either way. She reminded me of Rose. Her crazy died hair, her nose piercings, her weird tattoos that screamed "I fit in no social category"! But other than that, she looked normal. Friendly even.

"Hi," she smiled at me and grabbed a wooden chair from the corner over and sat in front of me while I remained shackled "I'm Kit."

"Ah, so you're the one who's going to prod into my brain today aren't you?" I asked with a kind, sarcastic smile and she nodded with the same expression.

"So tell me, what's your relationship with the Alamarri syndicate?" she asked crossing her legs over one another.

"So tell me," I mocked her "what's you relationship with this one."

"How do you know this is a syndicate?"

I bit my lip and lowered my voice. "Well, I'll let in on a little secret."

Kit smiled then leaned in closer to me.

I waited until her ear was a few inches from my mouth. "I learned it from the ducks." I whispered.

"Ha ha." she said sarcastically then rolled her eyes.

"You're hilarious." she said bitterly.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"You can keep on restricting all their information but we know that you're no longer a syndicate member anymore."

"True," I nodded "I won't lie about that. I left them."

"So how about I offer you a deal, why don't you join our syndicate." Kit said and then it was my turn to laugh at her.

"You're funny." I kept laughing then stopped when I saw her face. Kit was being dead serious. Oh great.

"I'm not kidding, Emma. To be honest, if you joined our Syndicate we wouldn't force you to kill someone-

"Whoa whoa whoa," I stopped her by placing up my single unshackled hand "first of all, I killed your friend. Isn't it a bit-I don't know-dumb to invite me over. It's like inviting Hitler and his army for tea, and you're a Jew."

Kit rolled her eyes. "It wasn't your fault, you were forced to do it. Weren't you?"

I thought about it. They had threatened me at first, saying that they're intact with the police and if I don't join something might happen to me or my family or Marina. But that doesn't matter anymore, when I did kill the guy they gave me option, to keep going with this whole syndicate business or return to a normal life. For my sake and Marina's sake, I chose to quit.

As if Kit could read my mind, her eyes twinkled and she gave me a sympathetic smile. Don't pity me.

"You're a strong girl Emma, I'm sure you've made all the right decisions." she said with an even wider smile and I bit back a snarl at her. Where is she getting at?

"I'm not strong and I've never made the right decisions." I exhaled slowly and a puzzled look formed on her face.

"But look at you," she said with even more puzzlement "you've been through so much."

"I have." I nodded then I looked at how the room was set up, the room was lit by warm and calm sunlight from a glass window, I was lying in a comfortable bed-minus the chain-, and Kit sat on a large arm chair while wearing black rimmed glasses with her legs crossed over one another, she reminded me of a therapist. I wonder if we're going to do group therapy with Jonathan with his drugs and needles, and Ember with her obsession of fire and explosive things.

"How about we go out today." she said.

"I thought I was your hostage." I snickered and Kit frowned.

"I told Ember not to tie you up."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes.

"I'd unchain if I could, unfortunately I don't have the key." Kit said.

Pondering for a moment I stared at Kit, she's playing the sympathy card isn't she? I'm guessing she wants me to befriend her. Ugh, this is getting annoying.

"I'm sorry, if there's any way to unchain I could-


"So what?" she asked.

"So find a way to unchain me."

Kit's face was still solemn and internally I sighed and rolled my eyes in my head.

"Better hurry, I actually want to go out today. And I might change my mind." I said with a friendly grin and she lifted up her head to face me with a happy smile.

Time to go save Marina.

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