Chapter Eleven: The Blow Torch (Ember's P.O.V.)

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Chapter Eleven: The Blow Torch (Ember's P.O.V.)

I couldn't Eric's voice through my ear piece but I could only make little syllables from it. Once I could hear him, I was relived but it was only a few words.

"Burn the place alive." he said and just like that we officially fully lost connection.

Goddamn it. I love living with the Helcotte Syndicate, the only problem that's standing in the way is the Alamarri syndicate. Those little losers, still playing accountant and debt collecting criminals. I don't give two shits about them, but if the syndicate doesn't like them then neither do I.

"Get your goddamn ass over here, Ember." Kate demanded. Her mini gun was propped against her two hands, heavily holding it still.

A couple of civilians stood up from the rubble. We destroyed the building but not enough to crush everyone. If there's still some alive, then it's definitely the syndicate.

"Go." I ordered her hand-motioning at the regular civilians recovering from the rubble.

Kate's devious grin spread around her face and she looked like a madman as her mini gun started spewing out bullets like a giant cannon.

In a few seconds, the bodies all fell down limply.

Kill first, worry about the consequences later.

I carried myself through the sea of rubble and started shooting my blow torch at every piece of rubble. Setting fire on everything is fun, that's the one thing I know and love. But carrying a twenty pound blow torch on your back is the worst thing ever.

"Well well well." a man's voice said behind me.

"You." I spat at him and he gave me a happy chuckle. He was covered in dirt and asphalt but still managed to look lethal.

The only thing in his hand is a hand gun. This is perfect. I can roast him to death right now. This moment is perfect for killing him. Almost too perfect.

"If it isn't Ember." he said running his dirty hand through his dark hair.

"Damien." I greeted him with pure anger.

"Still being hotheaded I see." he tsked at me but still held a grin.

"I don't see you doing much these days. Stopped killing?"

"Not yet," he smiled at me as if we're old friends. Please.

I scowled at him and shot angrily shot a mile length line of fire at him but he easily dodged. What the hell? That's when I saw two figures.

"Glad to see your boyfriend came to help." I sneered at him and saw Dylan standing next to him with an assault rifle.

"Cute," I snickered "did you rob a S.W.A.T. team lately?"

"Very funny," Dylan said but his face looked deadly "actually no. I got it from a friend of yours."

Oh shit. Eric. I immediately tapped on my ear piece again but all I heard was static.

"What did you shit-heads do?" I demanded.

"He was the one who blew up this place didn't he?" Dylan questioned and I gritted my teeth angrily at him.

"It's sad because I like McDonald's," Damien sighed "you just had to burn up this one too."

I rolled my eyes at him but he only grinned back at me.

This is three against two, how in the hell are they not all dying. And aren't they protecting two other girls too? They didn't necessarily look like syndicate material. Unless...

I heard running vibrations behind me and right as I turned around but I only saw a girl's silhouette running towards me carrying a knife. That's when I felt the gut-wrenching feeling of being stabbed in the stomach. Not the chest? How strange. I thought they'd try to kill me. Turning around, I tried to see her face but the stab was too much of an impact for me to even move.

"We aren't about killing. But we are about being fair." Dylan said sadistically at me as I glared evilly at him. He pried my blow torch away from me and I nearly blew my head.

"What the fuck!" I screamed at them.

"Here." Damien dropped Eric in front of me. He was bleeding. A lot.

"We're being fair and trading your friend for your blow torch." Dylan said then walked away.

"No." I muttered, my eyes wide with insanity.

"Think about what you're doing," I shouted at him as they walked away "you're making a big mistake dealing with the Helcott syndicate, you hear!"

All I heard was their snickering in the background. Mocking me.

I felt their feet vibrations leaving three feet... five..ten feet away from the site. Then I heard sudden pounding foot steps running towards me.

"Ember!" Kate's voice echoed in a scream at me.

But I couldn't stay awake anymore. I felt myself drift away as my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I really thought we'd win this time, but it's all that old crone's fault. She has to die. She's the only one instructing them. If we can kill her. Oh. If we can kill her, that'd make breaking the Alamarri syndicate so much easier.

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