Chapter Twenty: Fire

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Chapter Twenty: Fire

I walked down the hall feeling rushed and anxious. Holding the two hand guns close to me, I felt unsafe without a bullet proof vest or anything. Suddenly right in front of the entrance I saw Ember's determined face with a sense of blood lust, she held the handle of her blow torch with a tight grasp and was breathing in and out deeply. Her face covered in ash and soot and her clothes burnt.

Hiding behind a wall, I could see Peter behind the other wall. He tightly held his AK close to his chest while he panted. I saw the matching bullet holes and burnt marks on the walls all around the dorm hall and was blessed that no one else was in their dorm rooms in the middle of the noon.

When Peter saw my frightened face his mimicked mine.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Ember shouted and after a few seconds of clear silence she sighed heavily and took out a hand gun from her back pocket and started to shoot the lights, I cowered my head and prayed for none to drop dead on my head.

"Fine, kid. I'll just burn this place." she declared and started to fire up her blow torch.

"Well if that's the one good thing you're useful for." he said and Ember chuckled.

"You finally answered." she said then shot her blow torch full of fire at the wall he was hiding behind. Peter crouched down and hid his head as an eight foot tail of fire stretched above him and fried the other wall closest to him.

"Where's your friends? Did they all leave you?"

Peter stared straight into my dark eyes and I felt a chill burn from him. "Why not, it wouldn't be the first time."

I felt my heart wrench and stupidly of me, I started to fire a round. From where I stood, my aim was terrible but at least doable when trying to shoot at the tank on her back. I could tell Ember was leaning towards the wall Peter was hiding behind while lead me a clear shot to her tank.

But after one shot, two shots, three. I managed to not get anything but Ember's attention.

When she spun around and came face to face with the head of my gun pointed at her, her face twisted into malice.

"You." she said gritting her teeth.

"That's not my name, and it hurts that you didn't remember." I joked and got ready for the worst that would come out from her, whether it's a face full of fire or her spitting actual fire.

"Oh I remember you, I always will. You killed Kit, then right after when Jonathan tried to offer you another chance to join our syndicate, you killed him."

"If you're gonna ask, I'm sure you'll know my answer by now." I said and she raised her blow torch ready.

"Yeah." she said ready to pull the trigger when I heard bullets spitting out of Peter's gun. I laid flat on the ground and saw in his direction, him holding a giant mini gun.

Don't let the name "mini gun" fool you, it was a giant cylindrical gun spitting rounds faster than lightning. There was rage in his face and you could almost hear Peter's battle cry if it weren't for the loudness of spitting bullets.

I realized that this was his last resort. It wasn't anything smart or defensive about it, it was highly and purely-one hundred percent-damage and chaos.

When the bullets stopped flying I stared three feet away from me. Ember laid dead on the ground, looking like a Swiss cheese version of herself. I was surprised that her tank of gasoline hasn't exploded yet.

"Damn you." she choked and I wanted to move over and shoot her already when I felt a sharp jab of pain in my leg and found two bullets deeply wedged into my left calve.

Searching through the broken glass and rubble, I found my gun in all of the dirt. When Ember saw me hobble closer to her she began shaking her head like a blender.

"O-okay, I-I didn't mean it, Emma. You'd know better than to kill me-

"Shut up." I snapped at her and she immediately recoiled.

"I liked you better back then, when you were weak-

"And I like you better dead." I said then loaded my gun which scared Ember even more.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I-is that what you wanna hear?" she said widening her eyes with fear.

"No," I shook my head "in fact I think it'll be best not to hear you say anything." I answered and she wanted to crawl in a hole and hide away from me.

"Please don't kill me." she whimpered but I held the gun right between her eyes, the head wedged into her forehead.

I felt the pull of a trigger.

"Stop." I spun around and came face to face with Dylan who looked frazzled and tired, as if he'd ran ten miles.

"What do you want?" I asked him angrily.

"Wait Emma-" Ember protested to stop Dylan but he launched a knife at her and it hit her right under her collar bone. Choking, I saw Ember claw for air as the blood started to seep out of her skin.

"There she's dead." he said.

"What do you want?" I asked him and he inhaled deeply and took my shaking hands and I dropped the gun.

"Marina," he said and my eyes widened in shock "she's awake."



So if you've been with me from the start or from the earlier chapters, you know that I don't normally thank you guys. But sense I feel like I need to end this book soon and that I need to do justice with it and the characters, I might as well thank you all before Bitter Sweet is over.

I know. I know. It's been a long journey and I'm so happy to reach 1k because of you guys but I feel the need to keep going to has been too outstretch.

But I feel that I need to end this and that I should end this in the best way as possible.

So thank you to all of you who've stuck with me sense the beginning, thank you to all of you who've just recently started now.

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