Chapter Nine: The Skin On Our Faces

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Chapter Nine: The Skin On Our Faces


"Oof!" I landed on the dark blur mat once again. This time I couldn't get up. I was laying in a puddle of my own sweat and exhaustion.

"Come on! I wasn't even being that hard on you," Olivia exclaimed "you have to keep your center balanced!"

Olivia kept trying to motivate me while Carter helped me up on my feet.

"Don't sweat about it." he said and gave me a kind smile.

"Come on how about I try hand-to-hand combat with you?" he asked.

"Are you going to nearly kill me like her?" I asked.

"Probably," he shrugged "but it's not like you have any other option."

"I think that's enough." Dylan interfered. He'd been watching the session the whole time like a referee which angered me a little. I still needed to talk to him privately.

"How about you give it a try?" Carter offered and Dylan shrugged.

"Why not?"

"Thanks." I muttered sarcastically and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, I won't go hard on you. Besides, I heard that you sucker punch Damien."

"He deserved it." I grumbled at him.

Carter laughed along as well. "I agree, that little bastard is impossible to sneak up on."

"Why did you even punch him for?" Olivia asked and my cheeks reddened a bit.

"Wasn't anything that serious." Dylan jumped in and Olivia raised an eye brow at me.

"Wasn't anything serious? Okay?" Olivia chuckled at that and shrugged.

"Okay," Dylan said giving me eye contact "you ready?"

I nodded my head and readied my fists. Let's do this.


"Argh!" once again I landed on the mat of my sweat and exhaustion. Yay.

"I think that's enough for today," Dylan said picking me back up "we'll see how well you are at sniping and how well your gun aim is tomorrow. Polly and Peter can help you out with that."

"You know this is really annoying." I frowned at him but he only smiled at me.

"It's alright." he laughed a little and I felt my cheeks blush.

My heart was pounding in my chest. Not because I was exhausted, but because of the way he looked at me. It almost made me forget that he was a murderer.

"I need to talk to you later." he said whispering in my ear.

"Okay." I replied.

His eyes trailed Carter and Olivia, who were walking out of the gym room with a towel and a water bottle in their hand.

"Privately." he said and chills ran through me along with relief.



I knocked on his door. A few seconds later he opened the door swiftly. He wore a taut and tight shirt along with a pair of baggy jeans.

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