Chapter Fifteen: Captive

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Chapter Fifteen: Captive

When I woke up, I thought I was in heaven or hell. I don't know. Possibly hell, I did kill someone and the thought still stung me. But when I woke up I saw dim lighting and my wrists hurt. I realized that I was sitting in a plastic chair, my wrists were tied with harsh rope that etched into my skin like the bindings they were.

I studied my surroundings.

I sat in a dirty room that was ten by ten feet and a single lamp hung from the ceiling, constantly swinging. There was wet stains on the ceiling and I begged the dear lord that it wasn't blood. The walls were painted with an olive green color but most of it was chipped off so all you can see is nasty gray and boring white.

There was a single door that stood in front of me, taunting me. Taunting me to scream, to try to escape, and to try to do whatever I could do to get out and away. But I knew resistance and escape was futile. My eyes were lowered but my hands silently squirming, trying to break free.

Seeing my leg like that, all blood but tapered down with gauze that wrapped around my bleeding thigh. My jeans were frayed and getting old even though I bought them about a month ago. I'm hungry and tired and thirsty. Sorry if I sound annoying right now, but I'm pretty sure no one wants to be tied to a chair and kept there for God knows how long.

I felt bad for saying that I didn't want to be in the syndicate anymore, at least if I was still in it, Damien or Dylan can swing by and stab the motherfuckers who kidnapped me. But instead, I'll just rely on myself.

Suddenly the door swung open, Ember Flint walked in with the doctor by her side. I'm not surprised that he was in on it too. Bringing in a small table with wheels in, I didn't know what was on it but I could tell it wasn't anything good.

"I'm glad you're awake." Ember said with pure sympathy, but I know her true intentions.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to sound tough but only a weak and dry-throat murmur came out.

"I'd like to know, everything about the syndicate. Where they're hiding, how many people are in there, you know, the details." Ember said mixing and touching the unseen items on the wheeled table.

I have to say, I didn't like what the syndicate made me do one bit. But I'd never betray them. Whether I tell them or I don't, they'll still kill me.

After a few seconds of silence past Ember's head cocked to the side. Her stupid and amused face came back.

"Emma, this is Jonathan," she said turning to Jonathan afterwards "Jonathan you remember Emma right."

He nodded. There wasn't an amused look on his face, in fact he look kind of bored.

"So," she said "let's get started."


Have you ever endured the shittiest interrogation process ever? Well I sure have. I'm surprised that I'm still alive after that, but hey, apparently I'm just really lucky.

"Where are they?" she asked again.


"Where are they?"

Ember was getting more impatient, whether she held a gun in front of me or not I couldn't care less. Go ahead, shoot me, I fucking dare you.

I scoffed at her and she cocked the gun, a method of trying to intimidate me. It didn't.

"Jonathan." she called and he inserted a needle into my skin. I tried to squirm away but he held my neck still and shot whatever he injected into my system. I felt drowsy but still alive.

"What was that?" I muttered tired.

"Poison." she said, but I knew she was lying through her teeth. It was probably a little bit of poison, something to make me weak enough but still breathing.

"Now next question. Who else besides your boss, Damien, and Dylan are in the syndicate?" she asked. with amusement as I felt my eyes drift off slower and slower as death tried to pull me towards it closer.

I mumbled something.


I tried mumbling out the words clearer. "Your mom."

Her grin vanished into a scowl. "Really? A your mom joke?"

"Ugh, I know right. I need to upgrade on the insults." I joked around and she pulled on a laugh, I thought she meant it but I knew better.

So while we were laughing in unison like a couple of madmen, she automatically stopped then roundhouse kicked me in the chest.

"Enough of this." she muttered then turned to Jonathan.

"Go tell Kit she can talk to her tomorrow morning, if she wakes up." Ember directed then I felt the sting of a needle push into my neck and drowsed off a bit more into a slumber-like state. When will I leave this?

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