Chapter Fourteen: Change

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Chapter Fourteen: Change

When you're an ex-criminal from a Syndicate, it feels like a prisoner finally leaving jail. Everything's murky and you've nothing to do. If I'm not thinking about the Syndicate, I worry about Marina. And when I'm not worrying about Marina, I think about the Syndicate. It's been a constant stream of thoughts between the two of them and then it hit me.

I realized that I have no social life.

If it wasn't for Marina, I would've gone through my college years alone. And if it wasn't for the Syndicate, I still wouldn't be thinking about Dylan. I wonder if he's feeling any better. Probably.

I heard a knock on my door and told whoever it was to come in. It was Flint.

"Hey there." she said with a smile.

"Hi." I said.

"No classes?" she asked and I nodded. I've been missing several these past few days, I really need to catch up.

"Where's your room mate?" she asked and sadness washed over me.

"She's um.. she's in the hospital." I said and Flint's eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry." she apologized and I shook my head.

"It's alright."

"If there's anything and I mean anything-

"No, no, no. It's alright."

She bit her lip. "You sure?"

I nodded and she sighed. "I mean if there's anything I can do to cheer you up." she offered and I felt a little bad.

"It's alright Flint, but thanks." I said and she smiled, leaving me in my room for peace and quiet. My mind was still stuck on Dylan and Marina like glue.


The next day I worked up the energy to go visit Marina, as much as it sickened my stomach to go see her again I still had to. Whether she's better or worst. I also worked up the courage to invite Flint along, I needed someone to go with, it'd feel even more awful if I was just sitting there in silence with the doctor constantly changing her IV bags.

"I feel really bad for making you go-

"No," Flint said with sympathy and I felt my surroundings melt, she was being so kind and yet she doesn't even know me "it's alright."

"Thanks." I murmured and continued to look out the window as she continued to drive down the highway.

"I'm glad I have someone to go with." I said and Flint smiled at me, her eyes darting from the road to me.

"Honestly I just don't want to see you all gloomy today, that's all." she said and a smile crept on my mouth.

When we walked into Marina's room, we saw the same doctor from yesterday. Again he was changing her IV bags. I saw Flint tense up a bit when she saw the doctor placing in another IV bag and he looked tense as well.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her she shook her head.

"It's nothing." she shook her head.

The air suddenly thickened. My senses shot up as I stared at Flint struggle a little. She was staring at the IV bag strung onto Marina.

"Do you trust me Emma?" she suddenly asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked with a nervous chuckle. Her eyes were still glued to Marina.

"Then you need to know something." she said and I stared more carefully at her as the air thickened even more.

"What is it?"

Something in her eyes changed and then I saw it. The fierceness in a killer's eyes, I remember those eyes. I could sense them from anywhere and the smell of something burning tickled my lungs.

"You tried to kill me didn't you?" I asked, my voice hoarse with fear.

She nodded. A smirk played on her lips. "And you know what else?" Flint asked.

"The doctor's in on it too, those IV bags? Poison. I'm going to kill your friend, I'm going to kill the Alamarri syndicate, then I'm going to kill your precious Dylan." suddenly she came whirling at me like a flash and stood face-to-face with me. A few inches baring us apart.

"But first, I think I'll kill you." her hand shot up and launched into my neck with lightning speed. I felt something inject into me and before I knew it. Light's out.

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