Chapter Three: The Machete Killer

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Chapter Three: The Machete Killer

I stared face to face in front of my opponent, she has fierce eyes and wore a tank top with yoga pants. She looks like she's in regular work out clothes, except for the deadly machete she wielded in her hand and hunting knives strapped to her shorts.

"So," I said with a scared smile "what's your name?"

"That's not important." she growled and swished her head to the side as a strand of her hair lifted from her face. Then got ready to strike her knife at me.

"Wait! I'm sorry! I never meant to go into this competition!" I begged and the girl's face softened.

"Really?" she said sympathetically.


An evil grin spread across her face. "Well too bad."

She then strikes her blade at me. I swiftly grabbed the hilt of her blade and struck her in the throat. Okay, what's the best way I can get out of this.  She already underestimates me so this shouldn't be too bad. I got ready for her next attack as the crowd's cheers were deafening, I can't even hear my own thoughts.

The girl recoiled from my punch and shook it off like it was nothing. Seriously! That was my only good move, Marina taught it to me when she get's too drunk and needs me to beat up Fuck Boys for her.

"Was that all you got?" she growled bitterly and took out her hunting knife. I slipped out my pocket knife and she scoffed.

"Aren't you brilliant in the weapon artillery," she laughed "like Bitter Sweet would want someone like you."

Suddenly my hand itched to strike her. Something about this girl. I can't tell what it is but I don't like her.

"Let me guess you're still a loser in college aren't you! Some daddy's little girl from a con family? Am I right?" she asked and with a chortle and the crowd cheered for the fight to get on with it but she wanted to pick and prod me like a bully as a surgeon.

"No no no," she shouted to the crowd "let's have a little fun."

My blood started to boil. Call me a total Pessimistic Polly or whatever but she was totally getting on my nerves.

"I bet," she said and the crowd died down a little to hear her "you're some lame-ass bitch. Huh? What, did you get kicked into jail and sucked cock to make it to the top?"

I gritted my teeth.

"Huh?" she said with a laugh.

"Hey Whore-face, did you ever suck cock to get here?" she snickered and the crowd laughed along. This is just like high school, but with a scarier mask on.

Suddenly I felt cold, pure power slip into me. Mixed with hatred towards my opponent, I can't help but back-hand her with words.

"Yeah," I said while staring coldly at her "I sucked your Mom's."

Loud cheers and sounds bounced from the crowd. I felt like I was in a fight circle back in high school. Not that I've been in one but I've always imagined being in one. Roasting the other guy. Turning the tables as the bully or the victim.

"Bitch," she cussed with her teeth gritted together "you're gonna pay!"

Suddenly she started to run viciously at me. My cold hatred and power suddenly melted into fear and I was paralyzed, that was when she knocked me off the ground with a single punch. I felt a bloody throb on my cheek and my tongue felt numb.

The room suddenly became dizzy and colors were swirling. First of all what was in that spiked drink from earlier and second of all how much of punch did she pack to make me want to throw up.

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