Chapter Seven: The Next Night

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Chapter Seven: The Next Night

I woke up the next day still feeling the ticklish feeling of Dylan's lips the other night. I know what you're saying right now. That I've only known him for a short period of time. That what I did was stupid. That he's a bad person and knows many bad people.

But to be honest I pitied him. If what he'd said was true, then I believe him. It's hard to hate someone who's been so kind. Yet so different I like him?

I curled up in ball in bed and contemplated about my choices and decisions.

"What's wrong?" Marina came in from her morning bath. Her hot pink robe wrapped around her slim body, a green avocado mask covering her face, and in her arm slung around a dark purple tote bag with her shampoos and bathroom loofahs inside.

"Nothing." I said changing into a pair of jeans and plain white shirt.

"So? How was the date?" Marina asked with huge interest as she dumped her tote bag away.

"It was..good."

"Good as in?" she asked impatiently and I sighed deeply.

Should I tell Marina everything. Nah, I'll just keep it vague but clear enough.

"He introduced me to his family." I said and Marina's face perked up with even more interest like a puppy.

"What do you mean as in family?" she asked then crossed her legs over one another.

"What is a guy trying to do when he introduces you to his mother?"

Her face became pale white. "Gross! This means he wants to go steady."

"What the hell?" I snapped at her. I don't think last night was what I called steady.

"Yeah," Marina said "if he wants to introduce you to his mom, then that definitely means he wants everyone to like you. Right?"

"I-I mean I guess?"

Marina nodded and cupped her chin like a scientist figuring out the solution.

"I knew it," she muttered "when are you meeting him again?"

"Tonight." I answered.

"Oh my god," Marina gasped "he's going to bang you isn't he?"

I was ready to gag to death. "What the hell, Marina? We've only met up up like twice!"

"And this is the third time. Remember, three is the magic number." Marina informed like the love doctor she is.

"We're just going back to his house." I muttered annoyed.

"Okay?" Marina warned me.

"But I'm just saying house plus third date equals sex time." she said with a laugh then changed into a blouse and a skirt then walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

She turned around and gave me a stunning grin."I've another date today."


"Yeah, I met him yesterday and we really hit it off. He's dark and brooding." she said seductively.

"Ooh, what's his name?"

Marina blushed then sighed deeply. Damn. If this guy can make her so flustered like right now, then he's either cupid or has the hugest wand dong ever. Gross.

She twirled around girly-like then giggled. Giggled. I cringed at this version of Marina.

"We're meeting up at a cafe." she hummed a happy tune then grabbed her hot pink bag. I hate it when she's being extra girly.

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