Chapter Four: Explanations

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Chapter Four: Explanations

I woke expecting to be in pain and agony but when I sprung out of bed awakened, I felt nothing. There was no stomach or thigh wound, no scars either. Not a bruise in sight.

What the hell?

"You're awake." Marina said with a relieved sigh.

I scanned my surroundings and saw that I'm back in my dorm room.

"What..happened?" I asked confused.

"If it wasn't for Dylan we would've never found you." Marina said leaning against her dresser and coming over to my bedside.

My senses pounced when I heard Dylan. Him. What did he do? And how the hell is he related to Bitter Sweet. Does this mean...he's a part of a Gang. And even more worrying, does this mean I'm a part of one too? My eyes widened and I leaned my head against my hand for support.

Marina was still rambling on about how he found me in the woods. Apparently the story was that I was attacked by a bear. Bears again really? And that when I was found, I was all bloody and covered in wounds so they took me to his family's private hospital.

If I didn't know the truth behind it all, I would've called him an annoying but at least caring rich boy but I do know the truth and he's a Criminal. A gang member. Nothing but scum.

"And fortunately he's been in the same classes as us for a while." she said with smile and I raised an eye brow at her.

"He has?" I asked and she nodded.

"So if you're ever going to invite him over to our dorm for a little you know what-

"Gross!" I cringed and nudged her a little in distaste while Marina laughed.

"I'm just glad you're okay." she sighed and I nodded. If only she knew what really happened. That a six foot machete wielding bully tried to kill me to win a position as a member in a gang. Aren't I lucky.

Apparently I was out for three days. Nothing but pure, sweet sleep. Can you blame me? I almost got killed.


The whole day I've been keeping cautious eyes around for Dylan. What does he want with me? Why did he save me? A Criminal saved me? It's seems so wrong... so illegal. But in the back of my mind I hear a voice, a voice telling me that do I actually have proof that Dylan's a Criminal.

No. But I do know that he knows about Criminal activity and refuses to tell authorities, which makes him just as bad. Right?

"Emma." I felt a hard hand clasp onto my shoulder that felt so familiar. It's the end of the day as well as my classes and I was walking back to my dorm.

I turned around and silently wished it wasn't who I thought it was. That I only imagined his voice with another person's. But my luck isn't so much on my side today and it was him. Dylan.

I wanted to punch him but with him standing there with his relieved smile and kind eyes he looked like a friend, and that was even more scary.

"What?" I asked adjusting the strap of my bag closer to me like it's my personal body guard.

"I'm so glad you're all better. Marina told me you're awake so I tried looking for you in class but you didn't show up." he said and his eye brows bunched in confusion and worry.

My mind swarmed with a million voices to help me think of a believable excuse.

"Oh," I said, feigning my surprise "really what a coincidence, I haven't seen you around actually-

"You know you're a bad liar, Emma." he said, something in his voice changed. There was a rough edge of unkindness as well as a tone that made me want to upper cut that pretty little face of his.

"I don't-

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." he cut me off again, this time his voice sounded evil. The look he gave me sent shivers down my spine.

"Again I-

"Stop lying." he said completely unemotional and anger rose up in me.

"Well if you stopped cutting me off." I snapped at him.

"Right." he cleared his throat and something about him made the negativity in him vanish away.

"What was it?" he asked kindly and I was confused about Dylan. He's so moody.

Something in me clicked and stopped me from lying, there was no point in trying to make something up. He saw me at the estate, he knew what I did.

"So you're really a criminal?" I asked him and he stared at me. Confused. Blank spaced. Then suddenly he started to bawl his eyes out laughing. Soon enough he was in a ball on the ground laughing hysterically.

"Oh my God! That's hilarious!" he laughed and I crossed my arms at him seriously.

"Well are you?" I asked him impatiently and when he realized that I wasn't joking his laughter soon went away.

"No, I'm not. But it doesn't make me any less lethal," he said with a mischievous voice "and after seeing you fight like that, it doesn't make you any less lethal too."

"Was that why you killed her?" I asked in a whisper.

"Bingo," he smiled calmly at me "I'm sorry but she was so annoying. I hate people who's so over-rated like that."

I stared at him angrily but it only made him grin more.

"Almost makes me want to kill them." he said in a calm voice.

"Dylan you're a murderer." I said hoarsely, too scared to take a step back from him.

"Yes, I'm well aware Emma. But thanks for telling me that." he laughed sadistically and I wanted to run at that moment.

"And what about my injuries, I'm suddenly clear of bruises-

"Oh that? It was just some drugs-

"Drugs!" I snapped at him.

"It's not a big deal," Dylan said then grabbed my hands in his as if this Psychopath can actually calm me down "I promise to you that you're in good hands with the Bitter Sweet syndicate. Or as by our real name, the Alarmarri syndicate."

"The Alarmarri syndicate?" I echoed him in confusion and he smiled at me kindly.

"Of course, seeing as how you were the last person standing in the arena-

"Hold on, I don't want to be a part-

"Too bad," he interrupted me with an edge of anger "when I saw you I thought you'd be a great asset to the syndicate."

"What made you think that?"

He frowned at me and in silence he held a pause then spoke. "I looked at your actions, your behavior, and to be honest, what I saw in you was someone-

"Someone what?" I asked him but he shook his head and laughed.

"Someone amazing."

"Wow gee thanks, it's the first time a member of a crime syndicate has ever told me that before." I scoffed and he then placed a kind but threatening hand on my shoulder.

"Our meeting starts tonight, okay? I'll come pick you up." he said then began to walk away before I could say anything.

"And don't worry," he said behind his back to me "I already told Marina that we're going a date."

Wow, a date with a psychopathic Murderer in a house full of Criminals. Aren't I just the happiest girl on the planet.

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