Chapter Thirteen: Little Talks

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Chapter Thirteen: Little Talks

The car ride was longer than I'd expected. I knew Damien was purposely driving slowly for my sake, so I didn't have to encounter Dylan so quickly. That I can actually collect my scattered thoughts and be prepared to talk to him. My stomach was still doing flip turns while I walked up the marble steps.

"Emma." a voice called for me from the door.

"Orion." I greeted.

"I need to speak with you." he said.

"Yeah. Um.. sure."

As we walked through the endless golden main hall, his voice was so quiet that no sound bounced or echoed around the hall like noise usually did in the main hall.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked him.

"I know you're stressed about staying here, aren't you?"

My eyes darted up to Orion. He looked like he was in his thirties, he was tall, lean, and wore a Victorian styled coat. His ethnicity showed that he was Asian such as it showed in Carter and Olivia. They all looked like they could be siblings. Maybe they are. I should ask them sometime.

"A-a bit, I guess." I answered in a whisper.

"There's no need to saddened." he frowned at me.

"It's alright if you don't want to stay," Orion sighed and stuffed his hands lightly into his suede pants pockets "the Syndicate isn't a play ground for the kind-minded."

"I know that." I said and he nodded.

"Yes, of course you do." he agreed.

"I just need to ask," I said and tilted my head upwards to the sky to stare at the tall man "why was I chosen to become a member of the Syndicate?"

"Ah," he sighed "well that isn't something you should be asking me."

Chills ran down my back, of course he means I should ask Dylan. But I already told him that it didn't matter me, not in that moment. Not at that time. Everyone's right, I've already seen the damage that's been done on me by being in the Syndicate. It's time to know why I'm really here.

"He's in there." Orion said and I nodded as a reply.

"Thanks." I said looking up from the metal knob but when I turned to my side to look for him, he was gone.

Sighing deeply I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard a distant voice from the inside call and my blood rushed.

Opening the door, I saw him sitting there. On his bed. The one that I slept with him in. He had an IV drip standing next him and wore pajamas.

"Hi." I said and was startled when I heard how hoarse and dry my voice was.

"Hey." he said with a smile. A smile so warm and inviting.

Standing at the edge of his bed, he tried to grab my hand but flew back a couple of feet away. It made him laugh, that I was scared by him. The boy I once kissed and loved. Who's a maniac.

"I only came here for one thing and one thing only." I said sharply and his smile vanished.

"And what was that?"

I gulped. "To talk."

"I see," he said with his flying down to his dropped hands "then let me ask you something."

I nodded at him.

"Do you really want to stay in the Syndicate?"

There it was. The same old question. Lingering in my head. Do I want to stay here? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

"No." I said.

Nothing changed on his face. Dylan still looked calm and expected my answer.

"I respect your choice." he only muttered.

"Tell me one thing," I said briskly after his comment "why did you want me here?"

He laughed for a second then shook his head as if he was reminding himself to think about what he'd say. "It wasn't your fault you were here, and it wasn't a coincidence."

"Then what is it?" I asked him.

"I'll tell you..soon."

"What?" I glared at him.

"I'll tell you when you have to-

"I want to know now."

"Well I'm not going to tell you either way." Dylan growled at me and I stopped. That was enough conflict for today.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"You should go..check on Marina. See how she's doing." he said and I silently nodded in agreement.

Then, I finally left the room and the place for good. For better.


Standing at the side of Marina's hospital bed was a pain of a sight, staring at Marina was an even bigger pain. The damage on her face was indescribable, red marks that looked like burns matched the ugly bruises on her arms and legs. Marina's left leg was kept elevated on the bed and white gauze tapered her head so many times that she looked like a mummy. An IV drip stood by her as her companion and would drip its liquid slowly and repetitively until you could hear it's slow and annoying tempo.

Sitting on a leather dark red arm chair was her clothes, her tote bag, and necessities for her daily morning avocado mask. If she ever woke up, I'd ask the nurses to help her put it on, seeing as how much she loves her skin so much. But once she wakes up and sees her face, I doubt she'll like it now any bit.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, I was about to say come in when a doctor with dark hair and light green scrubs walked in.

"Ms. Parker? I'm sorry to tell you this but visitation hours are almost over." he said and I sighed deeply. I forgot how late it was getting.

The doctor saw my distress and his eyes softened. "You can stay for a few minutes, that's all I can give you."

"Thank you." I said, I didn't take off my eyes from Marina.

I watched as the doctor changed her IV bags and checked her heart beat and blood temperature, a sad look rested on his face as he finished.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing," he shook his head and smiled "your friend's alright."

I folded my arms across my chest "You're lying."

He smiled at me "She'll be okay. Don't worry."

His smile made me lose my tense feeling but it didn't stop annoying me. "Promise?"

I felt like a little child by making a doctor promise to be God and save a life no matter what, it was unrealistic in any and every form.

"I promise."

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