Chapter Twenty-five: Kill Your Wishes

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Chapter Twenty-five: Kill Your Wishes

Song: Everglow By: Coldplay (Instrumental) [It still sounds beautiful]

Hey guys, I know it's been a long time since I updated but I'm thinking about starting a new book I just don't know when I should publish it. Anyways, happy holidays guys and a happy new year! XP

P.S. I need your opinion on whether I should write a sequel or not?

P.P.S. It's close to my best friend's birthday @beenalongtime so be sure to go over to her account and give her a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY message and please her with a lot of votes and reads. 'Cause (cough cough) it's gonna her b-day soon.

I raced down the hall in the direction where Ember ran towards. I had to find her. Seeing a glimpse of a flicker of red hair sweep around the corner, I swerved around and continued to run while the feeling of anxiety racing up my throat.

Luckily in front of us was a wall.

It's a dead end.

Ember's eyes glowed with fear and her mouth dropped slightly open, I was equally as surprised as she was. I had a chance of winning. She anxiously licked her lips as I pointed my gun right between her eyes.

"After everything that's happened, I still can't believe you're still alive." I glared daggers at her and pulled the safety off from the gun making it dramatically obvious so she knows what'll happen next.

"Please Emma," she said her eyes widening "you should I know I never wanted to do those things to you."

A snicker bubbled out of me as I kept the gun still positioned there, without faltering my finger itched on the trigger. I was ready. The gun was ready. Even fucking Ember was ready. All I had to do was pull. The. Trigger.

Remember what she did to you, Emma. 

Remember what she did to the syndicate. 

You aren't the enemy.

She is.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" she said in a whisper.

"I am." I said coldly and her helpless emotion turned into red hot anger.

"Fine. Kill me then, but I've got something you'd really want to hear first." she growled.

I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes. "If you're going to tell me to go fuck myself then you can go to hell." 

She shook her head. "It's something about Dylan." 

I rolled my eyes. "You think I'm going to believe you."

"Something's coming. Someone big." Ember warned and I raised my eyebrow.

"What do you mean something big?" I questioned.

Ember shook her head. "He never told you, did he?" 

"Tell me what?" 

"Emma!" I heard a shout behind me, it was Orion. He pointed a gun at Ember and signalled me to get down. Jut in time I ducked and bullets flew up ahead of me and pelting Ember a million times. 

Suddenly I heard nothing but a loud piercing sound, shrieking in my ears loudly. I was engulfed in fiery red explosions and felt Orion's arms wrap around me tightly. Running fast, my feet pounded against the marble floor. I focused on keeping my eyes in front of me and dared not to look back or else the fear of seeing Ember back there would swallow me.

Running out of the house I was in shock to see the house burned down in fiery flames.

"Wh-what happened?"

Olivia placed a light hand on my shoulder with morbid eyes facing the ground. "It was too late. Carter couldn't do it in time."

My eyes widened. "We have to go back for him," I shook the down-faced Olivia "c'mon! We have to go find Carter-

"He's gone, Emma." she muttered and left me in shell-shock.

"Emma." Orion said and spun around to face him in sadness. To my surprise, he held something in his arms. It was more like someone

"Marina." I said in a gasp-like breath.

Her eyes were half-lidded and her chest rose up and down slowly. She must be knocked out.

"Smoke inhalation." he said as if he could read my mind.

"Would you like to do it, or should I?" he asked and my eyes flew from Marina to his in shock with my mouth ajarred and hung down a little in a jolt.

"We're killing her?" I whispered.

"She's a threat to the Syndicate." he said and I shook my head rapidly.

Orion grimaced. "We have to. It's either you or me." 

I continued to shake my head, tear trickling down my eyes and spilling off my cheeks. I felt Olivia's arms wrapped around me. I thought she was trying to comfort me but I knew better than that. She held me from trying to save Marina.

Looking over, I saw ashe and soot-covered Polly and Peter cup their ears witht he palm of their hands and slammed their eyes shut.

"No." I whimpered as he pointed the gun at her chest.

I didn't care whether the house was burning down. Whether almost everyone's dead or not. I just didn't want Orion to kill Marina. Lock her up and throw away the key if you will but it burns to have to watch this. Even Olivia seemed to look away a little.

And as if everything went silent. As if there was no fire going on. 

In the silence a suddenly gun shot rang out.


(This means you've pretty much reached the end of the book) X\

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