Chapter Six: How I met your mother

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Chapter Six: How I met your mother...

Dylan spent about three hours of that night showing me around, but after three hours of walking around we still haven't covered the whole estate. From the low-lit gardens to lounge rooms in the front of the house, I walked around like I was a tourist.

"Oh Emma, this is Peter." Dylan nudged a small boy in front of me.

"Hi." I waved kindly and he nodded in reply.

"He doesn't talk much but we took him in, turns out he's a great asset."

I stared at the boy. There wasn't the slightest sign of happiness on his face. He looked like the complete opposite of Polly.

"He's our mechanics man." Dylan said and gave him a hard pat on the back. Without saying anything he walked up the stair case next to us and left Dylan and I alone without any reaction or comment.

"It's almost time for dinner," Damien called from one of the doors in the hall "Boss wants to meet her, Dylan."

Shivers were sent down my spine when Damien said that. Boss? Who's their Boss?

"It'll be fine." Dylan assured when he saw my expression.

We walked down the hall of golden walls and low-lit lighting. The floor was black marble, it felt like the scenery was brought to the lavishing parties of the 1920's.

"Sense dinner's ready, you get to see the dining hall." Dylan said and I nodded still wondering who the Boss is.

We walked into the dining hall, immediately the aura of 1920's vanished as lavishing colors of dark black wood carpeted the floor, modern cylindrical lighting that flashed out white light, and a giant window with darkened glass dressed in ravishing light lavender brings made of silk. The table was covered with pure black table cloth made of cotton, the utensils were pure silver, and the plates were ceramic that gave a homely feel and radiated the shining color of lavender that matched the window blinds.

"Welcome." a woman with pale white elastic-like skin said, her eyes were crystal blue with a tint of stormy gray. In her hand help a wine glass filled with pure red wine. She sat at the head of the table and wore a long silver dress.

"Boss." Dylan said shortly then guided me to the seat that was the other head of the table.

"You can stop calling me that Dylan." Boss said with a sigh then lightly sipped her wine again.

"Our newest member is here though, Boss." he said and sat next to Boss.

Polly and Peter came in and also sat at the seats closest to Boss. The long table that was neatly organized with utensils, plates, and silver candelabras seated up to ten people, including Boss's and my seat.

"Where are the others?" Boss frowned, her blood red lips dipping down on her face and the atmosphere changed.

I searched Dylan's face for a sign then realized that-besides Peter-everyone else's face changed to seriousness. Their faces were stone cold and emotionless. I looked around for anything else. Anything that'll make the moment awkward.

Luckily Olivia and Orion came in a second after. Pleasing Boss the tipped their heads a bit into a curt nod then took their seats, both closest to the Boss. There was a row empty in front of me which made it even more awkward.

"Where's Carter?" Boss frowned. But right before everyone snapped to seriousness, an Asian boy with a tall frame came in walking swiftly to the seat closest on my left, right next to Boss.

Afterwards Damien and another girl walked in. Finally sitting at the row closest to me.

"Now that we're all here," Boss said glaring at each and everyone at the the table, all except for me "let's start dinner."

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