Chapter Twenty Four: Worthless Deaths

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Chapter Twenty Four: Worthless Deaths

I felt like I was in world war three. 

I heard bombs exploding out in the front lawn and gun bullets pelt the grassy field. Olivia had a perpetual scowl written on her face and a never-ending supply of hand and butterfly knives strapped on her who-knows-where. 

Carter's eyes were darting around the endless hall we ran down. Whatever that was running around in his mind, was ticking him off more by the second.

"Calm down." Olivia muttered at him as a cacophony of bullets rang louder and louder.

Carter muttered a swear in whatever Asian language it was and started to pick up the pace. "Emma, you take this." he handed me another gun for the millionth time.

I think I have so much ammo stuck on me, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a grenade stuck in my ass. 

"They've hidden a bomb close the back exit and that's where we're escaping. I'll disable it while you and Olivia stand guard." he said and my head swiveled to Olivia who was pale-faced.

When she noticed me staring a scowl formed on her lips. "What?"

"Nothing." I muttered.

There was a gleam of sweat masking Carter's face and there was a deadly gleam in Olivia's eyes. I was ready to ask what was wrong when she shushed me. 

"Listen. Very. Closely." she hissed and I listened.

I could hear the light patter of footsteps coming for us and my eyes widened with fear. "Who is it?" I asked.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know." she snapped and silently pulled out her knives slowly.

Suddenly a figure turned from the corner. Bloody and bruised was Ember, her flame thrower still intact with her body.

"Goddamn it," she cursed when she saw us "I just had a little run in with a little girl. The bitch can bite."

Internally I smiled. I knew she was talking about Polly and boy was I proud of her when I spotted the double bite marks on Ember's arms.

"So you're still alive," Olivia tsked while playing around with her knives "I thought Dylan killed you but clearly his death was for nothing."

Ember smiled arrogantly. "For nothing? Now isn't that a little harsh?"

"No, it was for absolutely nothing. And I hate worthless deaths." Olivia growled then tossed her throwing knife. 

First one knife then another and another and another until all you could see was a whirl wind of arms flinging silver knives at her. Ember dodged them easily. Some sliced her skin and left thin cut marks on her thighs and wobbly arms that supported a heavy tank of flammable gas.

When she was done throwing, my self conscience came back to me and reach for my rifle and started to shoot. With Ember unguarded and out like this, I could easily shoot her. But once the bullets came out, I expected it to pelt her. But instead it pelted her gas tank.

Ember threw the large tank down and ran down the opposite hallway.

Olivia threw her dark braided hair over her shoulder and let dark strands of her hair flutter down to her eyes. She glared back at the concentrating Carter ten feet away and bit her lip cautiously.

"Go after her," she ordered and my face turned pale "it's what Dylan would've wanted."

I froze immediately when she said that. 

"Okay," I said slowly "if I'm not back when Carter's done disabling the bomb then go through the door and shoot the gas tank until it explodes. Make sure everyone's with you. I'm going to take her down."

Olivia gripped my arm and glared at me like I was more stupid than heroic. "If you die, I'll never forgive you."

I nodded in agreement then laughed. "I can live with that."

She smiled with a heavy sigh and then I was off. Running after Ember and whoever else was behind this.

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