My Head Hurts

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Hello again guys!

So if you've been reading this book for a while now or have been with me since the beginning, you know I'm not going to do one of these book detours where I dedicate a full chapter for saying thank you. But look at me, here I am doing it again so let's get started!

I'm tired guys, I really am. 

School is killing me slowly.

And trying to juggle writing and school work at the same time is tiring, so I'd to thank you all for being patient and still coming back to read my chapters even though I've barely been posting. 

Thank you for all the support you've given me. And I think I feel the need to end this book. 

I feel that because The Sindicate is brand new, I should be focusing on that more. And I feel like Bitter Sweet's time is about to go. I love it dearly and I'm sure you guys love it too, but all great things have to end.

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