Chapter Eighteen: Aftermath

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Chapter Eighteen: Aftermath

The gun rang out a loud siren and before I know it doctors started rushing in, soon came in the police, and then I found myself on the ground in hand cuffs. The body stared back at me on the ground, bleeding to death from the head shot wound. Those eyes stared back at me, the dead eyes of Kit.

I'd never kill Marina. But apparently I didn't think this one through when I shot the gun. I was frozen and seeing a dead body there, lifeless, I couldn't do anything but stare at the life that I'd taken away. Sitting in the back seat of a police cruiser allowed me some time to think.

"Emma!" I saw Dylan outside of the police car, slamming his fists on the glass.

"Dylan, no." the words came and my eyes widened.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out." he said and for a second I thought he was about to cry but apparently my eyes have been playing tricks on me. Dylan would never cry.

"Hey!" I heard a distant voice of a cop and suddenly Dylan was thrown away from the police car. A cop poked his head at the car window to take a quick look at me then walked away.

Someone climbed into the police car and I suspected it to be a cop but when I looked closer I saw the sight of strands of light blonde hair and silently cunning bright eyes stared back at me and realized it was Jonathan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper. He didn't reply, in fact I don't think I've ever heard him talk before.

"I'm here to save your ass." he muttered silently then stepped on the gas pedal and sped out of the hospital.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I muttered.

"Where are we going anyways?"

His eyes flickered from the rear view mirror. "Back to Helcott, but I might to make a detour."


"You see that black van behind us?"


I stared at the black van racing down the street, following us subtly.

"They're the cops, but not the good kind. The shady kind. They're coming to kill you."

"W-why?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Because you killed someone-

"Hold on. I killed her."

"Yes, you were five feet away from Kit. Obviously it's a shoot to kill." Jonathan's voice droned.

I felt bile rise my throat and I couldn't. I remember now. I killed someone. It hurts to think about it, but it's the truth.

"I forgive you-

"You're going to kill the Alamarri syndicate aren't you." I coldly cut him off and for a few seconds he thought about what he'd say next. Afterwards all he did was nod.

"Okay," I cleared my throat and he handed me the keys to unlock the cuffs "let's first kill those mother fuckers then I'll join your stupid little syndicate."

That earned a grin from him and then he handed me a shot gun. "Have fun." he said sadistically as I opened the car window. I didn't realize how fast we were going, so when I stuck half of my body out I almost lost balance.

I positioned the gun and pointed it straight at the van. Then positioned the gun to the wheels and fired. The bullet whizzed and hit the wheel, I then hit another, then another, then another.

"Good?" Jonathan called from inside of the car.

"Good." I replied when I saw the black van stop and shrunk to the size of an ant as we sped away from them.

"Just stop right here," I said and pointed at the curb "I need to take a short stop."

"Why?" he questioned suspiciously.

"I-er-I need to pee." I said and he sighed.

"Okay." he said and pulled over.

I then positioned the shot gun in front of me as if I was studying the craftsmanship then fired two shots.


I was speeding down the street with a dead body in the passenger seat. Blood was sprayed all over the seat and some of my clothes are dirty with even more splattered blood. As I speed demon my way down the street away from my college, I parked the car in an alley then walked out looking dirty, bloody, and wounded.

When I walked into my dorm hall, no one was out there so I was lucky enough to run and sneak in without anyone questioning my whereabouts. I walked in and closed the door with a heavy sigh.

"So you're back." I heard a voice behind me and spun around.

I came face-to-face with Polly and Peter. They both stared at me with relief and happiness, the last time I saw Peter, I remembered him barely smiling. He looks like an entirely different person now.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"What did they do to you?" Polly asked with her eye brows knitted and I looked down then sat on my bed, tired.

"It's been a rough couple of days for me." I admitted.

"No kidding." Peter lightly chuckled and I ruffled his hair.

"Glad to see you kiddo," I sighed "so why are you guys here?"

"We're here to protect you." Polly puffed up her chest and stood strongly with her hands on her hips, afterwards I laughed.

"Take us seriously, Emma," Peter warned "I've got an AK with me and Polly's armed this dorm hall with explosives. Anyone who looks like an enemy's either going to get blown up or shot down by one of us."

"So get comfortable," Polly grinned at my astonished face and handed me a pistol "we're camping out her until this whole thing blows over. Plus we've got take out."

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