Chapter 10~part 1

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Tiffany nearly choked on her drink when Wooyoung revealed that Dara was his ex-girlfriend.

Wooyoung: "Aigoo! I didn't mean to scare ya like that. I know it's hard to believe but she's nice once you get to know her."

Tiffany gave him a skeptical look.

Wooyoung: "Jjin jjah! But neh she can be a little hard to deal with. I've known her since we were little and she's like a sister to me. When I realized I only loved her in that way, I ended things between us." Wooyoung told Tiffany about their relationshil but he ended it with a surprising statement.

Wooyoung: "Sarang has never worked out for me. I'm starting to give up on."

Tiffany: "Aneeyo! I'm sure you'll find the rght girl soon enough!"

Wooyoung smiled.

Wooyoung: "Well I still have some hope thanks to a special girl...."


Wooyoung walked Tiffany home that night. She felt so comfortable with him and it was a strange concept for her. This had never happened to her before.

They finally got to her doorstep.

Tiffany: "Well jaljia! Cya tomorrow."

Wooyoung: "Yah! Before you go..I've been about we hang out this weekend at the COEX Mall? You can bring your friends and I'll bring mine ;D that way we can spend a little more time together."

Tiffany: "Neh! That would be fun. Wait so are we going....on a date?"

Wooyoung: "You can call it that." And with that he winked at Tiffany and turned and walked away into the night.

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