My Birthday!!!

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Hi....guys? I'm Marzia and today's my birthday! Weird intro, but I don't really care. Today evening, I'm gonna have a birthday party and my parents, brother and my bestie Daizo are going to celebrate. I don't want any more people because I'm a pretty shy person....I think about my plans when my mother snaps me out of my daydream.

"Marzi, hai chiamato ancora Daizo?"

[A/N: Okay I get it. To keep it easy for you, Ill translate it in English.]

"Marzi, have you called Daizo yet?''

"Yes mom! I've called her over! She's coming early so that she can help us with the prep."

Oh...About Daizo; She's my best friend. I met her in my third year of high school. Things for me were not really the best at that point of time, and I was really depressed- you know....teenage life, right? She was also as quiet as me but along! She's the best friend I've ever met and she has introduced me to so many new things. She introduced me to a person on YouTube named Pew Die Pie? I don't know what that means but he's a really funny person. He gets scared at the smallest things very easily and he makes me laugh at his misery. I know right? Cruel. We kinda like each other. It all started with an e-mail (I started it) and told him how funny he was. He replied and we started to get more in touch. We send videos about what happens every day in our lives. I think we are starting to be more than friends... I hear the bell ring, and dash for it.

"MARZIA!!!" an excited voice shrieks. "Daizo!!!" I return. "Happy Birthday sweetie!" "Thanks Daizo!" Daizo checks me out from top to toe. She pulls me by the hand and drags me to my room. A few minutes later, I exit wearing a cute miniskirt, and a long sleeved printed shirt. Time passed so fast that we found ourselves in front of the birthday cake. I still can't believe I'm 18! That's one of the last things I thought I'll be! Daizo had to leave as soon as she took a bite of the cake so i started to help my mom clean the house.

"Did you have a nice day?" My mother asks. "Sure I did!" I chirp. "You should honestly make some friends around here, Marzia. You could've invited more people." She cajoles. "But mum, i like it when i have a few friends!" I retort and my mother kisses me on the cheek. "Whatever you say, princess. Anyway, how is your favourite YouTuber doing?" she teases and i blush. I haven't told her about the interactions because she'd freak out if she found out that i have been chatting with a total stranger who is almost always cooped up in his room playing video games when he should actually be going to college. My phone pings and i see a text message from Felix.

Felix: Happy Birthday Marzia! Open the door.

I laugh at the text and indecorously drop the phone on the sofa, earning an angry glare from my mum. "What is it?" She muttered. "No...Felix thinks he-"

Suddenly, I hear the doorbell ring. We hadn't invited anyone else except ourselves and Daizo to the party so I really don't know who it is. Doubtfully, Mom summons me to open the door. As I open the door slowly, I am shocked by what I see. How could it be?


>>>Hey guys! So this is my first chapter of 'A Suitcase: a PewDiePie and Marzia love story. '

I'm pretty sure you kno......forget it. No spoilers.

And...Regarding the title, you'll get to know later.

See ya in the next one. *brofist*

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