So It Begins...

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The idea resurfaces back to my head and I run to Felix.

"Felix I have an idea!" I scream as he turns towards me and raises his eyebrows. "I want to start a YouTube channel!!!" I jump on my toes. "That's a really really good idea!" He exclaims. "What do you think I'll need?" I ask him.

"A YouTube account." He rolls his eyes while I playfully punch him in the stomach. "A good idea of what you want your channel to be. It should be based on one theme. Occasionally, make some videos dedicated to interacting with your audience. " I look at him and realize he is giving me some serious advice without fooling around. his back is hunched slightly, rubbing his chin with his palm. he curls his lips and purses them while he looks at the ceiling. i watch his eyes glimmer against the noon sunlight.

"What do you think my channel is supposed to be about?" I ask him.

"This is your YouTube channel, Marzia. You have to figure what you'd like to show the world." Felix thinks out loud and I nod in agreement. "What would you like to do?" He asks me. I think for a while, as Felix watches me patiently while folding his arms. "DIY videos?" I finally answer as Felix smiles. He grabs me by the wrist and tugs me urgently towards his computer room. We both stand near the gaming chair. He gestures me to sit in the chair and I sit on it cautiously. I always wondered why there had to be a separate chair for gaming, but now I realize it. It's heavily padded at the seat and the back and it has broad armrests. Felix switches on the computer and goes out to drag in a dining chair. He types in his password as I look at the keys he's pressing and laugh.

"What's wrong with ducksarefab?" Felix asks accusingly, making me laugh harder. He goes to YouTube and goes to the settings. His mouse hovers around the "great new account" button and I looked at him. "I remember doing this very thing with a heavy heart when I forgot the very elaborate password for my Pewdie account. I had played a ton of Call of Duty when I was in high school and to have all those locked away broke my teenage heart." he whines as I look at him semi-sympathetically. he clicks the mouse with his quavering hand and we are led to a new menu. he signs off from his account and tells me to sign into mine. I sign in with my email and i enter my password. he guides me on how to create and personalize my YouTube channel. we both are faced with the textbox which will determine the future of my YouTube channel.

"So what shall we name it?" he asks, looking at me with his hand pinching his narrow stubbly chin.

my thoughts go back to the time we first met. i want my name to remind us of our relationship everytime we look at the name. thinking about our relationship so far, a particular conversation came to my mind.

"You just called me sweetie?"

"Of course, CutiePie!"

"Do you see what you did there?"

my mind is finally made and this will be a name he will have to call me by whenever he introduces me.

I grin sheepishly at him and clear my throat.


A Suitcase: A PewDiePie and Marzia love story.Where stories live. Discover now