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Words cannot describe how my heart melts while Felix hugs his sister and kisses me at the same time. This is a real gentleman.

We part and Fanny becomes emotional and starts mumbling something in Swedish as I rub her shoulder. Felix cuddles her and says something back soothingly. We look at his parents and they finished kissing and are now in a hug, his dad holding his mother's hand fondly. I smile at it and look at Felix. He is now on the floor, and tugs at my good arm. I sit down next to him and cross my legs while he lies down on my lap. He rubs my knee lightly while his parents sit on the sofa and Fanny ruffles Ynk's fur. "Marzia, want to hear some stories of your boyfriend and what he did when he was little?" I nod in excitement as Felix covers his face to hide his cringe. I stare at the crackling fire as Johanna clears her throat to begin. "Where do we start?" she teases Felix, who groans in cringe. "Oh! The first day of kindergarten!" Felix groans louder and I can see his suntanned face turn purple. "He wore a dress to school and tied his hair up in ribbons!!" I couldn't stop laughing as I almost fall to the ground. "He told his teachers he was a pretty girl!" Fanny adds. "All the boys and girls made fun of him but he didn't care." I aww at this and I look at Felix with his eyes closed and cringing.

"Before he worked at a hot dog stand, he used to work as a harbor captain." Johanna enunciates. "Yeah, he told me" I reply, smiling. "You know what happened afterwards?" she enquires. "NONONONO DON'T TELL HER I WON'T LOOK COOL" Felix warns, making me rush her to narrate the story. Felix looks at me in mock betrayal and I laugh, relieved that he's not hurt. "So he was supposed to allocate space for incoming boats, and make sure they park in the right place. He has to communicate with the captain onboard and his boss. So one fine day, this guy got a call from the golden eye. It is like a really massive yacht, and also very popular. So Felix, in his excitement allowed them to enter the really small harbor and then ran to his boss. The boss knocked some logic into this boy..."

she says that endearingly as I look down and see Felix asleep on my lap. "...and told him to call them back and tell them not to come, but Felix didn't save their number!" I gasp and wait for the next part with bated breath. "And... he got fired." I cover my mouth in shock, startling Felix awake. "I...oh my god I can't believe he did that...I don't know what to say!" I stammer. "Yeah. And he spent all that money on visiting you." She shrugs. I smile and look at Felix's sleepy face. "I love him." I blurt. "We love you too." She replies. "I'm so happy to see him happy after so many years. And thanks to you. Come on, let's go to bed." I shake Felix awake and I lead him to his room. We lie down on the bed and we both lie down next to each other. I drift off slowly as I see Johanna switching off the lights and I feel Felix holding me tight from behind as I finally fall asleep.

"Happy New Year."

A Suitcase: A PewDiePie and Marzia love story.Where stories live. Discover now