This Town.

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It has been two weeks since that fateful day, but i haven't got time to think about it! I got a job in a video game renting store, and i have taken classes in culinary skills. I am so busy i don't even realize when the day passes because i...just love what I'm doing. Sometimes, i get hit on random creepy old people, but my colleague Samuel, he's a tough cookie! He makes sure all kinds of guys steer clear of me. He's like my brother, mainly because I'm not ready to have another boyfriend yet. I told this to him when he said he liked me and wanted us to date, and he took it pretty well.

I really missed this small, cozy town, with clusters of white and red-tiled houses; the chapel the only thing aiming to touch the vast deep blue skies. I missed the domes and the queer arches of the buildings i passed on the way to the game stop, and i missed the familiar language of Italian ringing in my ears.

Everything seems normal now. All it had to take was two goddamn weeks.

I wake up at seven in the morning and brush my teeth generously with a load of minty toothpaste. I rinse and dry. I run down the stairs to the dining table and see breakfast already kept ready for me. Davide is already eating his sandwiches and i hug him from behind and rock him in my arms lightly. I miss my family, so much. My father is sat at the sofa, the newspaper daily masking his ageing visage. I can still see his purple polo shirt tucked into his beige corduroys. I eat up my cereal and slurp up the remaining of the flavored milk and dash upstairs to grab my handbag.

I put on my fake glasses, because apparently, they are the 'in' thing in Italy. I wear a white shirt with a peter pan collar. My mother bought it just for me, two days after i landed here. I wore a navy blue denim dungaree and tied my hair into a pony tail. I wear my fluffy white sling handbag across my shoulder and give my parents a customary hug. I step out of the house and hear the wooden door shut behind me.

I start walking, drinking in the beauty of the blossoming trees. All of them stood in a straight line, their colorful branches reaching out to catch the sun. I finally reach my destination and walk behind the counter. I smile at the next customer, who asks me for a movie CD. I shuffle to the Movies rack and stand on my tip toes. "So how are you doing today, sir?" I manage to grunt as i finally grasp the narrow side of the disc with my 'pinchers'. I handed the disk to him and i look at the database to check when he has to return it." You'll have to return this in a week. You can pay us when you come back to return it." I smile courteously at him and he smiles back at me and walks away. I enter this in a record and sit on the chair, waiting for the next one. I hear footsteps on the three steps and a throat clearing. "Good afternoon sir, May i know what you want?"

"You." the voice replies

"Not the first time i heard that one." I reply indifferently. "I want Amnesia." he says. "I'm sorry, sir, i think Amnesia is an onl-"

I finally saw his face, and turned towards the wall to avoid him.

Why is he even here?


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