The School were it all happened

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Parker's pov

It's been a couple of weeks seance Graser broke up with Stacy, but she's over him.I hope.

Today is me and Stacy anniversary.Today is the exacted day that I meet my best friend,my biggest crush and hopefully my soon to be girlfriend .I have the best idea for our anniversary. It's 1:00 in the after noon. I grabbed my jacket, because it's the middle of October, I put my BFF necklace that i gave Stacy on, I told Stacy to be ready fro 1:15, I told her nothing fancy.I made sure i had everything ready.I'm too young to have my drives license so i asked my mom to drive us.I walked to stacy's house and rang the door bell. "Hey Stacy" I say as I see Stacy walk out in a blue sweater and white jeans with her blue runners. "Hey Parker" Stacy says. "Ok so I have something planed but you need to put this on" I tell Stacy as i hand her a bling fold. "Really Parker" She ask. "Yes" I tell her, Stacy shrugs then puts it over her eyes. "Can you help me" Stacy asks me. i nod and help her with her blind fold. As I put it on I look at her neck and see our BFF necklace.I smile then walk Stacy to the car. In the car I told my mom to not say a word and she didn't . "So Parker were are you taking me" Stacy asks me . "Well if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise" I tell Stacy. "Ok" Stacy says as we pull into the parking lot. I get out and go and get the door for Stacy, I help her out seance she is blind folded."Ok now follow me" I help Stacy's hand so she wouldn't run into anything.We walked into the yard and we walked to the spot.The spot were I first meet Stacy.It was the first day of grade 5 and it rained really hard, me and Stacy both hide under the shelter in the yard, we just meet, she was shivering and I gave her my jacket.that's how are friend ship began .back to real time. when we were under the shelter before I took off Stacy's blind fold "Do you remember how we first meet,it was first day of grade 5 and it rained really hard, we both hide under the shelter in the yard, we just meet, you was shivering and I gave you my jacket" I told Stacy as she started to blush. ":How do you remember that....." Stacy asks me as she takes her blind fold off and when she see's were we are she stands there in shock,with a tear coming down her face. "this is the place we first meet" Stacy tells me as I get down on one knee and pull out a necklace (the cover of the chapter is a pic of the necklace Parker gave Stacy) With a heart and a key,the heart says 'he who holds the key came unlock my heart' . "Stacy will you be my girlfriend" I ask Stacy. "I would love to Parker" Stacy answers me.I stand up ,we get close,then kiss.When we leg go I star into her beautiful green eyes. "Here" I say as give Stacy the new Girl friend necklace." I love it" Stacy tells me as she takes off her old one, puts it in her pocket, "Let me help" I tell her as I help her put on the new necklace.When I look back at her face she looks amazing. "I love you Stacy" I tell her as I hold her close. "i love you too Parker" Stacy tells me

Hope you guys enjoy

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From the one and only AlleyFlash

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