Christmas shopping

145 8 13

Bee's pov

i snuggled with Mitchell on the couch. I kiss his cheek and he blushes. "So, have you gotten me my Christmas gift yet" I ask him. "OMG i totally..... DId" He says , making it sound like he didn't. "ok good because i got you a gift and its amazing" I smile at him. he kisses my four head. "Dont worry" he smiles at me.

Mitchell's pov

as Bee drifts off to sleep I swipe out my phone and text Liam. (I'm gonna start calling Him H)

Mitchell: h something happened i need your hlep

H: what I'm trying to sleep

Mitchell: The Christmas party is in 2 dayand seance its on Christmas , well um I haven't gotten Bee her gift yet

H: Bro your late

Mitchell: Think I don't know that ????

H: You need to get her onw

Mitchell: yeah i know, i was wondering if we can meet up at the mall ????

H: Oh come on bro i HATE SHOPPING

Mitchell: Please I'll get Poke to come

H: ......

Mitchell: ill take you to chipotle

H: i'm in !!!!

Mitchell: Ok I'll text Poke . Thanks and see you later

H: Okie Bye

i sigh of relief.

then i open up my chat room with Poke.

Mitchell: Poke !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mitchell: Me and H are going to the mall want to come??????

Poke: Why???? want to gossip like the girls do (sorry that's a little stereotypical) 

Mitchell: No i need to buy something for Bee and i promised H you'd be there


Mitchell: thanks poke your the best

i smile as i slide my phone back into my pocket. i look down at Bee, i cuddle with her.

soon after i start to fall a sleep but i stay a wake long enough for me to carry Bee to bed. i cover her up with her covers. i kiss her cheek then exit her room , letting her get her sleep. I close th door behind me then i walk into my room and jump in bed.

i fell a sleep shortly after.

Poke's pov

i open my  eyes to the sun shining in my room."Oh god...." I moan as i roll over and fall off my bed. I groan in pain as i sit up. "Poke , are you ok" Joe asks me as he walks into my room. "yeah, um , I'm fine , just fell out if bed" i sigh as Joe gives me his hand , i accept it and he pulls me to me feet. "Want some breakfast" Joe asks me as he leads me down the sires into the kitchen. (Joe moved in with Poke)

"So , what is for breakfast" I ask him as i take a seat on a stool facing our counter   "waffles" joe smiles at me. "YAS' i shout as Joe breaks out in laughter.

Joe is a really good cook , so that's why he makes most of the food around here.

After he finished making them , he served them ,then we started. "OMG , this is so good" I say as i take another bite.
"Who's that" Joe asks as we turn around and face the door.
"Oh god , I totally forgot I'm going out with the guys. This was amazing Joe but I need to go. Be back later" I wave as I grab my jacket and open the door to H and Mitchell. "You ready" H asks me. "Yep" I answers as we walk out to H's car. "Ok so do you have any idea on what you want to buy for Bee" I ask Mitchell as H starts to drive. "Um , well I'm thinking of getting her a necklace with a bee on it. Made of gold" He says in a delirious voice, like he was dreaming about what it would look like. "Ok, yeah I may pick up something for Joe, maybe a new whisk he's always complaining that we need one" I tell them as H giggles. "And now, H why are you here" I ask him, leaning on him. "Get off me or else I'll crash" he mutters. I lean off him. "I'm probably getting a little something for for everyone" he tells us. "You have that much money" I ask in shock. "No I mean. I'm thinking of buying twister, you know , so we can play it at the party" H smiles. "Oh that's going to be a blast. "Hey we should get onesies" I excliam. "What, why ,no" H asks. "Come on it will be awesome" I beg. "FIIIIINNNNE" H moans extending the I and N in fine.

Time skip
Mitchell's pov
As we walk to H's car my legs feel like they are going to break. I truly don't know how girls do this.

I ended up buying the necklace for Bee and a bee onside for her and I bought a John Cena (no idea if that's how you spell it) onsie for me.
Poke bought a really cool wish for Joe and a (what ever his minecraft skin is , cause I don't know what that's called I think it's a Pokemon) onsie for Joe and for himself he bought a beaver onsie.
H bought twister, and a cool truth or dare book for the party and he also bought a giraffe onsie for himself.

<Time skip >
Stacy's pov

It's Christmas Eve , the sleep over party is tonight and I just came back from shopping with Bee.
We both bought some cloths for the party.
I bought a long red and green sweater and some fancy navy blue jeans.
Bee bought a short sleeved green shirt with red outlining and it has the number 89 in the middle in green.
It's not a fancy party but still we wanted some new cloths.

I got home and got everything ready for the party.

I hear ,y ring tone go off as I grab my phone and click the green Botton that says answer. "Hello" I answer. "Hey Stacy's, it's Sean. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, before the party" Sean asks me. "Yeah, I'm sure. When should I be there" I ask him as I toss things into my bag. "Anytime, I'm ready" he says. I can imagine the smiles on his face. "Ok I'll be there soon" I smile. "Ok can't wait to see you" he says as the calls ends.
I happily sigh then finish getting my bag ready the grab my gift for everyone.
I made everyone a cool college page, it has a big group picture of all of us and there are some little side pic, stickers , and the minecraft logo too!!!
They'd going to love it !!!!

I walk up to Sean's front door, nock. I hear some stumbling, I think he fell off his couch. I giggle as I see him jump off the ground. "Hey Stace" He greets me. We hug then I see his vote Christmas sweater. "How's a going" I ask him as we walk into his living room. "I'm good , exited for the holidays, and happy to see everyone again" he says. "Yeah tonight is going to be a blast" I exclaim.

After a little we decided to watch a movie.
We sat on the couch and I noticed he was kinda close to me, but in like 10 minutes we were cuddling . I didn't mind, he's a nice guy.
Then a song came on the movie and I started to sing

"Snow piled up outside the door" I sing.
"Weather man says its best to stay, inside tonigh. The mercury's falling, street lights are shivering you know to let you go wouldn't be right . It's the last we of December so let's wait out this snow together. If the lights go out , I got some angels in the drawer. If the heat goes down I'll build a fire to keep us warm , and If we can't leave we'll need a way to pass the time. I've got , I've got everything I need, oh I , just hope, we don't, run out of mistletoe...." I got cut off when Sean's lips touched mine. I blushed as he put his hand on my cheek. "Stacy, you look bueatifull" He says. "Thank you, your not to bad your self" I smile at him. We lean away and I put my head on his shoulder.
"This is going to be one, fun night" I tell him as he nods.....

Did you guys think this is the end of my Christmas chapter ???
No no, it's a double update !!!!!
Just to say thank you for 2k
Now yet here should be another chapter coming your way right after this one is posted!!!
See you there

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