Chirstmas planing

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Stacy's pov

I got into my first class and took my seat.

I looked down at my phone and saw its the 15 of December
I shout in my head
I then get snapped out of my thoughts when Jordan sits down in front of me. "Stacy I need to talk to you"  He tells me. "What" I ask him. "You know I didn't try to kiss that girl right" he asks me. "I really don't know" I sigh as I look at him. "Please Stacy I need your help, I love Will, but I need a way to tell him that , again" he tells me. "Tell the rest of the club to meet me in our room at lunch" I tell Jordan, he nods then we out our attention onto the teacher who had just walked into the room.

If you didn't know, we have our own room!!!!
It's an old teachers room that they gave to us because the teachers have taken notice of our club and thought we needed a room to you know, do nerd stuff, they gave us an old flat screen from the front office so we can play video games, with have a big couch, and two sofas on the side, and we have a table in the back.
So we usually meet up there to play video games , or just to hang out.

<Skip to lunch>
As I walk to my locker I see Bee waiting for me.
"What are you doing here" I joke as we hug. "I herd about the meeting so I wanted to drop by and we can walk together" Bee smiles as I open my locker , put my books in my locker then grab my lunch. "Ok let's go" I say as we start our journey throw the halls.

When we finally reach our room I open the door and see a most of our club is here.
"Guess who's back" I exclaim as I walk in. "Back again" Poke laughs as he turns around from the tv. They're watching TV. "Hey , look what the cat dragged in" Liam jokes as he sits down with others.
We say Hi then Bee takes a seat beside Mitchell and I grab a seat beside Devon.
"Guys , Christmas is like 15 days away we should do something" I tell them. "Omg YAS" Devon exclaims. "We can do like a gift exchange or something" Will says. "Who ever wants to buy me something just get me some chipotle, or another red plaid swaeter" Liam jokes as we laugh. "Yeah we should get together, because the school ends for the break this Friday" Tybzi says. "Yeah we can have it at my house, my parents just left for Hawai, they wanted me to come but I insisted on finishing the school yeah of 2015" HE tells us.
After a little of planning we made a plane. So we're having a Christmas sleep over at Sean's house. Sadly some people can't make it because they already have Christmas planes but so far .
Me,Bee, parker,Will,Liam,Mitchell,Devon,Joe,Zak,Sean and Jordan .

Will's pov
After we planned everything the bell rang and we went out separate was.

<time skip to end of day>
I stayed in our room after school because the weather was really bad outside. So I'm waiting it out I here, just playing some Mimecraft.
I have some music playing, just you know the Christmas music.
But my attention moves over to the door that adjust opened,revealing a boy I didn't expect to see.
"Jordan what are you doing here" I ask him as i look back at the screen. "it's freezing outside, and i'm waiting for my ride" Jordan answers me as he looks out the window.

"I'm gonna go home" i say as i log out of minecraft and stood up. and garbed my bag. "but, baby it's cold outside" Jordan sang. "I really can't stay" I tell Jordan "Baby it's cold outside" he sings. "I've got to go away" i kinda sing and say "Baby it's cold outside" he sings. "My mother will start to worry" i sing along. "hot boy, what's your hurry" He asks. "Father will be pacing the floor" I sing .Listen to the fireplace roar" He smiles as he raps his arms around me. "So really I'd better scurry" I say as i look away ."hot boy, please don't hurry" He sings as he leans in. "I really can't stay" i tell him . "Baby don't go out there" he smiles as we kiss. "Cause baby its cold , outside" He smiles as we release.

Hey speedsters it's alleyflash here!!!

are you guys exited fro GameMas ???(Whats what i'm calling it)

I know i am!!!

how did you guys like this chapter ???

yeah i can't help but bring Kiani back.

I'm really exited for Christmas !!!

the next GameMas update will be on Christmas day !!!

yes you herd it , thats your Christmas gift its going to be a good and long chapter so get ready !!

have a good day speedsters

until next time

from the one and only


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