Ch.3 all a misunderstanding?

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Kinsley's pov

When i was done blushing i got up from the floor and started cleaning up the ice cream mess, soon to be helped by Niall. It was silent the whole time we were picking up the mess,i mean we almost kissed for crying out loud!

Am i in love with my best friend?!?

Omg no,no,no i can't be in love with Niall...or can i?Ugh,kinsley stop thinking like that Niall is and always will be your best friend nothing more.

When we were done cleaning we went back into the living room and sat down on any of the couches,i sat down next to cloe and niall sat down next to louis. When we were watching Toy Story i saw niall staring at me like he was confused.

Confused? Anout-no niall isn't-or is he? I just ignored the thought and kept watching the movie until i remembered that i left my phone upstairs so i got up and went to my room to get it. When i got to my room i went over to my bed and found it under my covers,then when i picked it up i heard a light knock on my door. When i opened my door i saw niall.

"Can i come in?"he asked while looking straight into my eyes; causing butterflies to erupt inside of me.

"Sure" I said while motioning him to come in. Then when he came in he shut the door behind him and opened his mouth,only to close it again.

"Um,look what happened down stairs was,um,it was stupid of me i mean it was a mistake that would never happen..."he said while waiting for me to reply.

It felt like someone just stabbed me in the heart and twisted it making it go further in,but i managed to say: "Oh,right. I mean everyone makes mistakes."

Naill's P.O.V

When i told kinsley that the Almost-kiss was a mistake i saw her facial expression go hard. It made me wonder if she liked me because deep inside somewhere in my heart i still liked her,even though i was 13 when i started developing feelings for her i STILL like -wait scratch that,i love kinsley.

"I'll go downstairs now." I said while heading out the door. When i went downstairs i saw Harry looking at me with a smirk playing on his face "what?"i asked while sitting down next to him. But instead of him replying he just shook his head and said "nothing."

Kinsley's P.OV

When Naill left i felt cold and empty. Why am i feeling like this?!? ugh, kinsley niall is your best friend nothing eles and inplus he doesn't even like you.
I thought to myself. "Or does he?"

"Does he what?"someone said causing me to jump. I said that out loud!?! I thought i said that to myself!

"Um, i dont know what you're talking about." I replied to harry standing in the door way of my room.

"Look, i saw what happened in that kitchen and i know you guys like each other- but before he could finish i said "Harry, me and Naill are friends and only friends." I while sighing giving away that i WAS sad that Naill and i weren't more than just friends.

"Kinsley, he likes you. He's never stopped talking about you. Hell he still feels bad that he broke his promise."

I sighed and said " Promise you wont tell him that i like him?"

"I promise." He replied,and i know he said he promised but will he keep that promise?


Sorry if it was a crappy chapter but ya here it is and sorry for not updating in a long time


Breaking Promises (a Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora