Ch.11 taking it all in at once

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Harry's p.o.v

When the nurse came out she said i can go in later,which made me kind of upset. I know i barley met kinsley but it feels like maybe,just,maybe we can make us work-my thoughts were interrupted by the doors to the waiting room open and closing.To my surprise i saw Niall walking over to me. Is he serious?!? He knew that kinsley was in the hospital,and he knew that it WAS all is fault but yet he only showed up ONCE and that was it. Like who the Bloody hell does that?!?

"Hey,hazza" he said while sitting in the empty chair next to me.

I was so upset i had to think twice before i said anything,that i knew i would somewhat regret saying.

"Hey"i replied coldly.

Niall's p.o.v

I wonder why harry's acting weird? Oh well,i came here for a reason and one reason only. To see kinsley. I feel horrible about not visiting her,even though it is all my- i got torn (A/N see what i did there? ;) hehhe) from my thoughts by harry saying,

"Now you decide to show up?"

I looked at him with furrowed eye brows and said,

"What are you talking about,dont act like you know her more than i do harry cause i bet all you want to do is get in her pants." I

shot back getting angrier by the second. But before he could say anything back to me Liam,Lou,Bri(Brianna),and Zayn walked in. Wait,why is Brianna doing here?!? Oh no,Kinsley cant know about Paola yet. Harry obviously saw that i was worried and shook his head in disappointment.

Brianna's p.o.v

Hmm,i wonder who this kinsley girl is? Well who ever she is,i hope Niall isn't cheating on my sister Paola. I think i was thinking to hard on this cause Lou ended up intertwining our hands together and gave my hand a light squeeze. I looked up at his ocean blue orbs of his and smiled.

"Omg,is louanna real?!?" Zayn whisper screamed since we were in a hospital.

"Hehe,yes Zayn we are finally a couple,and really? Louanna?" Louis questioned.

"Well,duhh,Your obviously going to need a ship name." He replied causing me to smile at the thought of me and Lou together. My curiosity was kicking back in.who was this kinsley girl?!? I have to know!

"So,who's Kinsley?" I asked out of nowhere.

Niall sighed.

"She's my best friend..." He said trailing off,so the tears wouldn't come out. Man i guess this Kinsley girl means a lot to-i get cut off by my phone going off,it was from Lou

Lou: hey dont worry Kinsleys' just his best friend nothing more and i don't think he would hurt Paola like that,love. :)

Bri: thx lou and im just trying to look out for my sister thats all.and if u say that shes just his best friend than thats what ill except that :)

I pressed send and watched as he pulled out his phone and read what i sent him. He put his phone away and smiled his signature smile making me die inside,and just when i thought that would kill me he kissed me in front of every one in the waiting room.

"Eww,Louanna PDA!" Liam yelled causing us to pull apart. I blushed and looked at the ground avoiding his gaze.

Louis' p.o.v

I kissed her,i really kissed her. Sure i kissed her in front of a twittcam but this timewas diffrent because it was in public. Sorta.

Harry's p.o.v

While every body was talking and messing around i stayed quite and avoided niall's gaze,but that was hard because he was glaring at me the whole time. Then out of nowhere a nurse and doctor came out of Kinsleys' room and told us we can go in.

~~~~~~~4minutes later after going into kinsleys' room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Niall's p.o.v

She was still the same Kinsley i always knew and that made me happy,but why do i feel so empty if i'm happy? If that even makes sense. I got so lost in my thoughts that i didn't even hear Liam's question.

"Niall,Niall,Nialler!!!" Louis screamed making me the slightest death.

"Hmm,w-what?" I asked totally out of it.

"The nurse said she can leave as soon as we fill out the papers at the front desk."

"Oh,ok i'll go fill them out,i'll be right back."

Kinsleys' p.o.v

When Niall left the room i turned to Lou

and asked if i could talk to him alone,sure i got a few confused looks but i needed to know what happened between him and cloe.

"So,he said streching the 'o' what did you want to talk about?"

"What happened between you and cloe?" I asked a little aggravated

He sighed and said " it just wasn't be,you know?"

"I'm sorry lou" i said . "How is she?"

"Well,he said while rubbing the back of his neck, she went to Australia"

When he said that i literally wanted to huddle into a ball and cry,because cloe was the closest thing that i had since my parents isolated me from they're lives and when...Niall left my world fell apart but not completely,but now,it's completely broken into millions of pieces. Sure i have Niall back but,who knew once i gained something i would also lose something in life?

~~~~~~~~~~~hey guys!!!!! This is the update i hope u all liked it! And i know this was a boring chapter BUT there will be A LOT of drama coming soon! Thats all im telling u! Baiii~Bri

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