Ch.5 never thought

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Zoe's p.o.v

I couldn't believe Niall horan just asked me-small hometown girl-on a date! I already knew what i was going to wear so i got bored and just went to my living room and watched Iron Man 2.

I really wanted to see Iron Man 3 but before i could think one more thought darkness took over until everything went black.

Niall's p.o.v

" I never thought that i would actually find a girl that wouldn't fan girl right in front of me! I mean there's something about Zoe that just makes me feel almost normal." I explained to Liam.

"So are you gonna ask her out?"he asked with a nervous look.

Why was he being weird?

Oh well.

"Actually i asked her to meet me at the cafe' at 8:00 yesterday."i replied

"I'm glad you finally found someone nialler"he commented.

"Yup"i said popping the 'p'.just then Kinsley came in the living room and faked a smile while sitting next to Liam. Did she hear what we were talking about?

Kinsley's p.o.v

When i woke up i did what i usually did in the morning,then i checked my calendar and froze.
I sighed thinking of my anniversary with my now ex-boy friend. He was the sweetest guy in the world and then one day that all disappeared and he started to abuse me. I felt a tear run down my face and quickly wiped it away so that the flash backs didn't invade my memory.

I didn't want it to cause another anxiety attack like last time.
As i walk into the living room i pull a fake smile and sat next to Liam. For some reason Niall looked scared or something but i didn't know why.

There was an awkward silence and i didn't like it so i just stood up and walked over to the door,pulled it open and left. Well not literally i just went on the porch to think.

Naill's P.O.V

When Kinsley got up and left i looked over at Liam and gave him a confused look only to see that he was giving me the exact same one. I sighed and got up going outside to talk to her.

When i got outside i saw her on a chair with her nees pulled up to her chest crying."k-kins are you okay?"i asked stuttering.

Kinsley's P.O.V

When i went outside on the porch, i sat on a chair and brought my knees to my chest and started crying.

Why was i crying you ask? To tell the truth i was crying because of Jake. There now you know my abusive ex-boy friends name.

I started to re-live every thing in my head. I was so lost in my re-living moment that i didnt even notice that Niall was standing right next to me until i heard him say "k-kins are you okay?" i popped my head up and nodded,but obviously he wasn't buying it,so i said "I'm fine its just-i-i-um-can we not talk about this?" he nodded and said "at least come inside its freezing out here!"

I opened my mouth to argue but before i could say anything i was lifted off my seat by Niall carrying me bridal style back into the house. I quickly jumped out of his arms and went straight towards the kitchen to hide my scarlet red cheeks.

Niall's P.O.V

When kinsley jumped out of my arms i went to my bedroom and started getting ready for my 'date' you can call it.

When i was done i headed downstairs and said my goodbyes before heading out the front door to my car.

At the cafe

Cloe's P.O.V

When i got to the cafe' i sat at a booth somewhere far from the windows so Niall wouldn't get noticed that easily.

As i straighten out my pale pink skirt Niall appears and flashes his signature smile at me causing my heart to melt. When he sat down we said our 'hi's' and started playfully arguing about which dessert is better.

"Chocolate!" i yelled.

"no,cookies and cream!"he yelled back.

"NO,chocolate!i screamed back.

"Cookie-"but before he could finish his sentence he got distracted by some random-wait i-i know that girl! ugh i hate her guts for embarrassing me like that in front of the whole school!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


soo i promised that i would update today so here it is and i STILL feel horrible for not updating for a while. whatdo you think will happen next? will ziall(zoe+Niall i know its a bromance name but if u have anything better comment) become a thing or will that mysterygirl ruine everything for theboth of them? who do you guys like better ziall(zoe+Niall)? OR (ugh i dont have a ship name for kinsley and niall :( if u have any ideas comment pz!!!! baiii my lovelies!!~Bri <3


Breaking Promises (a Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora