knotts Berry Farm part:4 Harry and Taylor

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Knotts Berry Farm part:4 Harry and Taylor

Taylor's POV

Ugh i just want this day to be over! I thought as harry and i went into some store.

"Do you want anything?" He asked. Oh what a gentlemen,huh not. I thought as i shook my head and rolled my eyes. Thats when he pulled me to the back of the store and gave me a dirty look.

"What is wrong with you,i try and be nice and all you do is be a bitch!" He whisper shouted.

"Just because management says i have to 'date' you doesn't mean i like you." I replied.

"Ugh whatever. You can go do whatever you want,cause I'm not going to stand around waiting for you to get over yourself." He stated,leaving me gobsmacked.

"So your breaking up with me?" I asked making him stop and turn around.

"No," he replied making me sigh in relief," you were never my girlfriend and there was never any us." He stated leaving me gobsmacked. AGAIN.

Harry's POV

Ugh! Why does she always think that she's some sorta queen!? For all i know she's just a - but before i could finish my thought i bumped into someone.

"Oh my god im so sor-harry?"a familiar voice asked.

"Oh hey,Sarah right?" I asked.

"Yea,um wheres taylor?" She asked but i just hesitantly looked away.

"Oh im sorry i -" but before she could finish her sentence k cut her off.

"No its fine. So wheres Zayn and Cloe?" I asked but she just looked away hesitantly.

"Oh,they ditched you huh?" I asked. I feel bad for her.

"Yea..." She trailed off.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked in return she nodded.


After she told me about what happened i felt even badder for her.

"Wait so they said they were going to wait for you and then when you came back they were gone?" I asked as we walked around licking our ice cream.

"Yup,but i don't really mind it happens to me a lot." She replied making me stop walking.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Sarah's POV

"Yea,but i dont really mind it happens to me a lot." I replied. Uh oh i shouldn't have said that now he'll think im some sort of loser when i tell him what ive been threw! Ugh great going Sarah!i thought to myself.

"What do you mean?" He asked. CODE RED! I REPEAT CODE RED!

"Um,well back in Australia people would always ditch me. Either because i wasn't 'good' enough or because i was 'weird' and then thats when Cloe showed up and literally made my life 100x better,but now shes exactly the same." I replied while looking at the ground.

"Hey people are stupid for doing that.your a great girl and i certainly wouldn't ditch you ...if you gave me a chance" he replied making me blush. Does harry like me? Cause i definitely do.

"Thanks harry,but i know your just saying that to be nice." I replied while licking my vanilla ice cream and started to walk again. But thats when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Im not lying Sarah. I wouldn't hurt you and you know that." He stated. He's right im just too scared to admit it.

"Your such a dork." I replied playfully as i smeared ice cream on his left cheek.

"Hey!" He exclaimed while laughing. then he smeared his chocolate ice cream on my nose.

Thats when a full on ice cream fight started. Sure we got some dirty looks and all but who cares! Right now its just me an harry.


Hey Mini Oreos! Sorry i didnt update yesterday,i feel horrible! I have food poisoning which is a HUGE BLEH but i cant let my fans down! Pleae please pleae vote for BP and TP(The Photographer) at the @1D_Fanfiction_awards it would mean the WORLD toe if you did ! Right now BP has 5 votes and TP has 3! So please go vote its really easy! Well other than that thanks for being THE AWESOMEST READERS EVER THANK YOU! Bai~Bri<3

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