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Cloe's POV

As every one went their own way we headed towards excelerator and got to the ride in no time.


After the ride we all looked scarred. Especially Zayn.

"That.was. Crazy, " Sarah stated. Oh for a second there i forgot she was with us.

"Hey i need to go to the bath room, can you guys wait for me?" She asked.

"Ok we'll wait for you over at that little shop over there." Zayn replied as he took my hand making me blush.

"Ok thanks!" She replied before walking into the woman's bathroom.


What are you doing, we cant leave her!" I said while laughing.

"She'll understand,and besides i want to spend time with you." He stated making me blush.

"Ugh,fine." I replied as we ran hand in hand to silver bullet.


When we got to silver bullet it was closed because of a technical difficulty so we ended up just taking a ride on the horse carriage that takes you around the whole amusement park.

"Sarah? " zayn asked.

"Yea Zayn?"

"I,um- i need to tell you something."

"What is it Zayn,you know you can tell me anything ri-" but before i could finish my sentence i felt his soft lips smash onto mine. I kissed back. It felt right to kiss Zayn ,like our lips were two missing puzzle pieces that finally found each other after they went through the maze called 'love'.

When we pulled back i blushed and looked at the ground.

"Cloe would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Zayn asked.

"Of course Zayn!" I exclaimed as he pulled me into another kiss. Short but meaningful. This is the best day of my life. I thought as the carriage came to a stop.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as we got off hand in hand.

"Yea,where do you want to eat?" I asked as we walked past supreme scream.

"Hmm,how about that restaurant over there?" He asked while pointing at a building that said 'olive garden'.

"Yea it sounds good!" I replied as we started walking towards it.


After we were done eating we headed to the parking lot hand in hand. When we got to the parking lot every one was already there. When i looked over at Sarah she gave me a lopsided smile. Then we all went in the cars in the same order.


Kinsley's POV

When we arrived at the house Niall pulled me out of the car and carried me inside.

"Niall,what are you doing!" I shrieked as he started running to the pool. But before i could get a response he jumped in with me in his arms,letting the water envelope us. When i opened my eyes in the water,i saw Niall sticking his tongue out at me. Then he intertwined our fingers together and pulled me closer to him. Once i was closer to him he kissed me,making butterflies explode in the pit of my stomach. We eventually had to stop to get air back into our.

"I love you kinsley. " Niall stated,looking in my chocolate brown eyes as i stare into his icy blue arctic eyes.

"I love you too Niall." I stated. Thats when every one came outside and jumped into the pool-still in their regular clothes-. I watched as Zayn,Cloe,Harry,and Sarah race to see who could swim the fastest in the 3ft side. I turned my gaze over to Krissy and Liam,who were happily squirting each other with water guns at the end of the pool. Next my eyes landed on Louis and Brianna who were tackling each other in the water and laughing like there wasnt a care in the world. Then my gaze turned to Niall and i. I stared at him admiring his blue orbs and the crooked smile I've grown to love.

"What?" He asked while chuckling.

"Its nothing. " i replied while kissing his cheek and pulling him towards the swimming race going on in the 3ft part of the pool. This is what I've always dreamt of,Nothing but pure happiness and love. Which is everything i have right here.


~4 years later~

Its been four years. Since then Niall and i got married,moved into our own house and started a family. We have a five year old daughter named,Melanie.

Harry and Sarah are still taking it slow but they are getting married and im expecting to see some kids running around in their yard pretty soon.

Liam and Krissy just got married and are on they're honey moon in the bahamas.

Zayn and cloe are happily married and are expecting. They moved into a house right next door to us,so its easy to stay in touch with them.

As for Brianna and Louis they got married and started a family of their own too and actually live right across the hall from us.

Every thing is perfect the way it is. Some people might think of it as a crazy family,but thats what makes it perfect.Anything can be perfect for someone,weather its living in New York and always working or Living in Hawaii and doing nothin but relaxing. But perfect to me is what i have today.


NOOOOOO! I cant believe its over! *throws phone* ok not really lol but still i cant believe its over like asdghjk ahhhhhhhh!!!! But at least i can FINALLY get to work on my other works! And please tell me what you think by commenting and voting! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS BOOK ,IF IT WASNT FOR YOU GUYS I WOULDNT HAVE 3K READS! AND THAT MIGHT NOT BE A LOT TO SOME OF YOU BUT ITS A LOT TO ME CAUSE I NEVER EXPECTED MY BOOK TO GET THAT MANY READS! ONCE AGAIN ALL OF MY MINI OREOS ARE AMAZAYN,FABULOUIS, EXTRORDINHARRY,PHENOMINIALL,AND BRILLIAM! THANK YOU SO MUCH MINI OREOS,BYE.


Breaking Promises (a Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora