Fairy tale

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Niall's p.o.v

When i went back inside Paola looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"Are you ok?"she asked worriedly

"Y-yeah. "I stuttered. "Um,i gotta go do some t-things i'll met up with you later?"i asked holding a hand out,she took it and we said our goodbyes. I just HAD to see kinsley i mean it is my fault that shes even in the hospital. As i got to my car i slowly realized that i had to tell Kinsley sooner or later that i had a girlfriend.But i doubt that day will ever come,because Kinsley doesn't like me in that kind of way,i mean after all i did i wouldn't like myself either.

Louis' p.o.v

I was sitting on my couch in my flat ( A/N like my new slang? If i get anything wrong plz tell me thank you!) when i heard my door bell ring.

" come in!" I yelled not caring who was at the door. When i looked over at who it was i saw Brianna with tears threatning to fall from her eyes.

" hey, hey w-what's wrong , love?" I coo'd while getting off the couch and going over to whete she was standing.

"Lou nothing happened i-im fine." She replied but from the look on her face i lnew something was wrong so i hugged her and said,

"I know something's wrong" and with that she broke down in tears saying,

"It's your fans lou, they're sending me hate saying that im not worthy enough and elanour is way better than me and she even texted me death threats,lou! " she replied shaking a little at the last part.( A/N i LOVE elanour so no hate k? K. Just getting that straight)

Thats it i've had enough already, i thought as i grabbed the web cam and started doing a twittcam.

Brianna's p.o.v

When lou got the twittcam out i looked at him confused until he told me to come over to the camera.

"First lets start off on how some of you are hating on my closest friend Brianna. How dare you all say horrible things to her,i love her and she means everything to me,and dont even compare her to eleanour because all she is, is a skank (A/N once again i do NOT hate on elanour this is just something i had to put into the story) but Brianna, shes loveley and shes my everything." He said looking at me while saying that last part, and before i could even reply to him he smashed his lips onto mine causing the fireworks -that i never thought would go off - explode. Our lips moved in sync like they were made for each other. We kissed passionetly for about 5 minutes until we pulled away. Before he turned off the twittcam he said

" Brianna, do you want to be my girl friend?"

I bit my lip and said

" yes,yes,yes!"

Then he pulled me into another kiss, but this time i pulled away and yelled into the camera,

" take that peasants!!!"

Then lou replied by saying

" hehe, your so like me" and with that he turned the camera off.

" you really meant that;all of it?" I asked while facing him.

"Of course i did, love" he replied and pulled me into anoth passionate kiss.

Id lke to thank polabear6 for helping me with this part of the story! All credit goes to her on this chappie! (Pablo is hungry only polabear6 would get this)

Thats the chapter baiiii~Bri

Breaking Promises (a Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora