Little girl

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*important A/N- Fighting For Life is now published and is available on Amazon! (Link on my profile in my bio!) Therefore, due to copyright issues, the ending chapters of this story have been removed. Read at your own risk*

Aubry's POV-

I stared into his cold brown eyes, the ones that usually were bright with laughter as I handed him his money at the end of the month. I swallowed as he had his hands wrapped around my wrists tightly. Surely, he was leaving bruises.

"Where's the money, little girl?" Demetri asked with venom laced in his voice.

"I-I-I don't have it." I stuttered out. I closed my eyes tightly while wishing to not be in that situation anymore; wishing to be anywhere but there.

His breathing sped up and I felt a hard punch to the right side of my jaw. My head jerked over as I inhaled sharply. It hurt like hell, but I wasn't going to let him know that; I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. Besides, I've had a whole hell of a lot worse that.

"Listen here you little bitch... I put my trust in you, gave you the benefit of the doubt, and supplied you multiple times with my drugs. Now you're telling me you don't have my money?" he said sharply. Another blow came to the side of my head, it hurt a little less, but it still made my ears ring. I breathed in slowly trying to calm down, trying to tell myself that everything was going to be fine. I knew it wasn't going to be okay though, I messed up with the wrong people.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry I was robbed, they stole everything." I tried to plea with him so I could make him understand that it wasn't my fault. It was my father and his demented friend's fault, that's why I hadn't seen either of them for three whole weeks. I could kill them. They were the reason I needed to do that bullshit in the first place! I should have just left like Kelsey did...

"No, I don't want any of your damn excuses! They're meaningless anyways. You were responsible for all of it, I trusted you to put them in a spot where no one could find them. I took pity upon you... a little fifteen-year-old girl coming to me, a drug lord, because she had nowhere else to turn to. I gave you the protection you asked for, yeah? How many times did anyone touch you after I told you I would take care of you?" He paused waiting for me to answer.

"Um, n-none." I stated as he grabbed my face in his hand.

"That's right, none. I asked you to do one tiny little thing for me in return. Sell the supply and give me the profit. And this..." he gestured around the room for emphasis. "This is how you repay me? Making me track you down and telling me everything is gone." He slapped me, this time on my left cheek. I couldn't really feel it though, I was too worried about my fate and if I would even still be living when they left.

At that point I was crying. For what? I don't know. Maybe because this was all my father's fault, he was the one that stole the drugs. Or maybe it was because this wasn't quite how I wanted to die. Either way I was blubbering like a baby against the wall that was holding me up, I couldn't even stand up on my own because I was so scared.

"Do you know what I usually do to people that do this to me?" He moved my long hair out of my eye, I shook my head 'no' at him. I actually did know the answer, he usually killed them. I prayed silently that he wouldn't do that to me, I knew it was a lost cause though. I was as good as dead.

"I kill them. They die, because of this." He paused as he took the gun from the holster on his hip and placed it upon my temple.

I started crying harder, I only had six more months 'til I was supposed to graduate. Then I could have left that shitty town forever, but instead I was going to die. Six more months and everything could have been okay. Six more months, and I could have been free from the monsters that had control of me for my whole life.

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