You got yourself a good one - Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

The shock and awe on her face as she opened each one of her presents was absolutely the most genuine thing that I had even seen. She was so pure and precious. How could no one else see what I was seeing?

When she finally got the presents that I got her, I wanted to disappear. What if she didn't like them? What if she thought they were too much? I mean... they weren't exactly what a friend would get another friend.

There were so many worst-case scenarios going through my mind. When I finally looked back up to her after she tore into the box, I knew that she was enamored with the book. The way she looked at it was in pure adoration and love. At least I got one thing right.

However, she had barely even moved after getting the book out. Was it wrong?! Did she actually not like it and I was just a crappy eye-reader? Her eyes began to fill with tears. Ah, shit. I messed up.

I just started to ramble. She wasn't speaking so I had to be the one to fill the voids. I wanted to explain my reasoning to her. That's what they always say, right? The thought is what counts.

She cut me off with the most beautiful smile. "No, I actually don't own a single copy at all... it's one of my absolute favorites!"

I wanted to giggled like a school girl with the way she was looking at me. It lit up my whole world. "I know, I remember you telling Bri that..."

I gestured to the other present that sat in the bigger box and held my breath when she looked at me weird. She wanted to argue with me, to say that what I had already gotten her was too much, but I didn't want to hear her say those things... She was worth every bit of it.

She opened the box hesitantly. I saw that she wanted to continue arguing, but my family being there stopped her from being her usual stubborn ass. Thankfully... because if the girl truly believed in something, there was nothing that could sway her. It was something that annoyed the hell out of me, but made me really respect her as well.

She stared at the present with wide eyes. I saw the adoration that she looked at the necklace with. I could see her overwhelming emotions rush through her expressive eyes.

Still, I couldn't help but to be nervous at her opinion of the simple necklace.

She then looked up at me with the same adoration. It knocked all breath out of me as she stared at me in the eyes, completely speechless. The look in her eyes made me want to never give her a reason to lose that beautiful expression. It was what belonged there at all times.

"I remembered that you said blue was your favorite color..." I felt the need to explain myself at her continued silence. "I saw that, and automatically thought of you. I wasn't completely sure of which shade of blue was your favorite, but this one just screamed you to me."

A wide smile spread on her face as she glanced between me and the necklace.

"Th-thank you, Aiden. It's perfect! Absolutely beautiful," spoke choked up.

She flung her arms around me in the sweetest most genuine hug that I had ever received.

"Seriously, thank you for everything, Aiden."

I couldn't explain how amazing her arms felt around me... Everything about her made me want her more.

I wasn't sure how long that we had stayed hugging. It had to be a while because eventually, a throat cleared from beside us and she pulled away from me leaving me cold.

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