Long day- Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

Brandon and I walked through the school doors at eight-fifteen. We usually didn't get to school that early, we were usually almost late, actually. However, we had cut practice a bit short that day due to a certain little brunette.

The warmth and throbbing from her horrendous bruises were still buzzing in my fingertips. She was so hurt, and I pissed me off that I couldn't do much for her. The fact that someone had hurt her so badly made a familiar emotion bubble up to my chest... anger.

As soon as I walked through the door Bridget was standing there in clothes that I was sure were against dress code. She smiled at me too cheerfully as Brandon made his way to the group that we always hung out with. I truly thought about turning around in that moment. I really didn't want to deal with any of that BS that day. I just wanted to be left alone.

Instead of doing what I wanted, I walked up to the group and let Bridget hug me tightly. I had to seriously restrain myself from sighing in exasperation when she wasn't letting go of me. "Is a hug all I get?" She whined.

I rolled my eyes and lightly pecked her on the lips just to placate her. I was tired and didn't want to deal with her or her whining. "So... maybe we can go do what we didn't get to do yesterday now?" She suggested with a small smirk.

At that moment, I knew I needed to cut her loose, it wasn't any fair for her. She was catching real feelings and all I wanted was sex from her. I couldn't do feelings. I was emotionally unavailable and too messed up from past transgressions and previous tragedy. It was who I was as a person.

As I opened my mouth to speak. However, I was cut off by loud clank as one of the front doors to the school slammed shut way too hard. Everyone in the main hallway looked up at the culprit.

Aubry was standing there, leaning on the door as she was breathing hard and sweating profusely. Her make up was slightly smeared and beginning to melt off from the mist and sweat that was on her skin. I looked at her wide-eyed and then shared a look with Brandon who was also staring at her wide-eyed.

"Oh look, the freak decided to do exercise!" Bridget exclaimed making everyone but me and Brandon laugh. "What? you thought you were going to be late for your favorite class, How to be a loser 101? You can afford to skip a day or 2, you're acing that class obviously." She continued making everyone laugh harder.

Aubry wasn't paying attention to them as she was still wheezing. I didn't even think that she heard her. I could see that every single time she breathed out, she winced in horror. I felt so bad for her.

Suddenly, Bridget, completely out of character, decided to march up to Aubry and grab her by her hoodie. She used Aubry's small stature and distraction to use as leverage and pushed her up against the doorframe behind her. I knew Bridget was a bitch and a bully, but I had never seen her get physical with anyone before. Bridget pushed Aubry harder and got close to her ear whispering something only audible to the two of them.

Brandon stood by my side as we panicked over the situation, "her ribs, Aiden, they must be hurting like hell."

I nodded as looked at her pained face. She looked like she was either about to cry or she was about to throw one of those punches that I had just taught her, maybe even a little bit of both.

Honestly, Bridget would have deserved the punch, but I knew that Aubry would have gotten in monumental trouble for that. So instead, I decided to diffuse the situation. I quickly walked up to the two girls and pulled Bridget away from Aubry. Before she could whine, complain, or ask why I was defending Aubry, I kissed her quickly. Although, the moment she had decided to pounce on Aubry, she had gotten so much more unattractive than she had been in the five minutes before that.

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