The sleepiest girl ever -Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

Frankly, I was becoming clingy. Clingy was not a good look for me.

I had been anxious all morning long when I hadn't seen Aubry that school day yet. The thing was, I never saw Aubry until lunchtime. We didn't have any of the same classes or anything and I very rarely ever saw her in the halls. So, there was no logical explanation for me to be anxious. The girl was getting to me.

When I walked into the lunchroom, I could have cheered when I saw her at her usual table. What I hadn't expected was Bri to be there too. It made me smile knowing that Bri had Aubry, she needed someone like her in her life. I was glad that Aubry had Bri too. It was a very practical friendship once you thought about it.

"I didn't know they were even friends," Brandon said as he fell in step with me.

"They hit it off at Pawpaw's birthday..." I shrugged.

I quickened my pace when I realized that there was a group around them. Aubry looked unfazed, Briana's face was quickly dropping, though. I knew that I needed to do something.

The day before, we all had a family meeting, Brandon and Tommy included. We all discussed that we had to start being there for Bri and each other. Bri opened up about her cuts and we all decided that it was time to get our shit together as a family. We had to come back together... We couldn't let our family be torn apart over tragedies. Bri was enrolled in therapy, and I had agreed to new bonding sessions with everyone. I could no longer shut everyone out.

So, that was what was in my mind when I marched over to Bri and Aubry and told everyone around them to leave them alone. I was standing up for my family. I couldn't let them hurt her.

Brandon was embodying that energy too when he invited the girls to out table. They, however, declined. Aubry downright scoffed at the idea... I didn't blame her, though. The people that we sat with were not great. They were just the first people who sat with us freshman year, and we never changed tables... that seemed weird whenever I actually thought about it...

As soon as we sat down the questions started.

"So, that's really your sister?" someone scoffed.

"Yes, it is. If you have anything to say about her, you can say it to me." I said harshly.

"Why didn't we know about her before? Why were you hiding it?" James, a guy from the football team, said staring at the girls' table. "And why is she sitting with frumpy over there?" He added.

I sucked in a breath as to not get angry, it was a futile effort. "That is mine and my sister's business, not yours. And... Aubry is a good friend, so shut the fuck up about them!"

I practically scarfed down my food while focusing mostly on Aubry's table. I watched their interactions and couldn't stop my smile at the two girls, they both looked much happier. When I saw Aubry shift uncomfortably and practically jump in pain, I got up from the table quickly. I had completely forgotten about the pill that I was suppose to give her. I was such an idiot.

I noticed her tense and readiness for attack when I walked up behind her. I was concerned that it was her first instinct, but tried not to think too much on it. I really needed to get my own life and quit being so consumed by her.

I very discreetly and quickly gave Aubry the pill and then left the cafeteria. I needed a few moments to sort myself out and try to convince myself that everything was fine. I was beginning to realize that everything was not fine, though... I was realizing that the feelings that o had for Aubry were much more present and deeper than I thought.

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