Future Works

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Future works: (in no particular order)

Title: When Different Worlds Collide

Genre: Teen fiction

Katherine Reynolds and Erik Jones couldn't be any more different. White/black, Upper class/lower class, sweet and innocent/dangerous and corrupt. Their lives should never cross paths. Their lives should be completely separate. They had no business knowing each other, other than the fact that they went to the same school. Even then, they had no correlations. They had no classes that were the same, they had no mutual friends, they had no reason to know each other. Somehow, their lives kept intertwining with one another and they found themselves slipping deeper and deeper into each other's life. Erik always thought that Katherine was nothing but a spoiled brat with a perfect life, but soon he found himself realizing that her life isn't as perfect as it seems. Katherine always thought that Erik was nothing more that the rumors that were spread about him: a dangerous guy with bad friends. Soon she realizes that he would do anything for his family, no matter what the cost. Can Katherine and Erik find a way to navigate their unlikely friendship or will they prove to be too different from each other. Will hate and intolerance win out or can love, acceptance, and understanding conquer all?

*TRIGGER WARNING contains mature content such as, but not limited to: Rape, eating disorders, abuse, drugs, gangs, alcohol, depression and self-harm*

Title: The Oracle Of The Moon

Genre: werewolf


"You're not gonna kill me." I stated confident in my words.

"We just killed your whole pack... what makes you think we won't kill you?" The biggest of the bunch spoke menacingly, making chills go up my spine. He took a step closer to me.

"You won't kill me." I stated again simply. He raised his hand to strike me. "... I'm your alpha's mate." I said staring into his eyes intently, not backing down.

Lucine Elara Smith

Kale Tristan Burke

2 names that shouldn't mean anything to each other, shouldn't have anything to do with each other.... Oh but they do, they mean everything to each other.

Lucy was a lost omega in her abusive pack with nothing to live for. Planning to take her life on her 18th birthday, she didn't care about anything. That was until she had an epiphany. Well maybe not an epiphany, a vision is more like it... or several.

Kale was an alpha, A fearless leader but a lonely wolf. After 5 years of searching through each pack for his goddess given mate he finally gives up, maybe he was just meant to be alone...

Given up trying to find his mate; he had a new task: stop the tirade of the barbaric packs from the north. But that was proven to be a very difficult task. Finally after countless deaths, demolished packs, and too much destruction the moon Goddess sends him HER... his secret weapon, his power, his lover, his oracle, his MATE, His LUCY.... that is if he can accept her for everything she is AND everything she's not.

The moon goddess always puts 2 people together for a reason... right?

*TRIGGER WARNING contains mature content such as, but not limited to: Rape, abuse, alcohol, depression and self-harm*

Title: Dragged Down By Her Past

Genre: General fiction/romance


Amelia Reyes was just trying to live her life like a normal person. A normal person was not who she was though. She had ghosts from her past that would forever pop up to haunt her. Everything changed the night that her best friend convinced her to go out with her and some guys they had just met to a grand opening of a new club. At the club is where her past meets up with her present and her whole world begins to fall apart again. It's where her demons try to drag her away and she's not sure if she can fight them this time.

Blake Prescott wasn't looking for much that night. He was just supposed to go on surveillance with his best friend and keep a low profile, no one knew them or what they were apart of and that's how they wanted to keep it. So what a perfect night to pick up chicks and get laid, right? It was pretty obvious early on in the night that Blake's girl was a prude, he just didn't realize that she was going be trouble as well. When her demeanor changes and she gets into trouble with the one person he was trying to watch but keep his distance from he is faced with a choice: He could either watch her go down or help her but possibly blow his cover and reveal who he is and who he is a part of. But how could he, in good conscious, watch her being dragged down by the devil himself? He cant.

*TRIGGER WARNING contains mature content such as, but not limited to: Rape, abuse, drugs, gangs, alcohol, depression and self-harm*

Title: Cracks

Genre: Teen fiction


Dylan Flanders is a good guy who seems to have it all. The perfect house, the perfect girlfriend, the good looks, the good grades, a good life with the perfect future set up for him. That's what he wants you to think at least. With his family falling apart and home life becoming increasingly more difficult, his mask is starting to crack and he's afraid of who will see the real him showing through.

Presley Anderson is a beautiful girl that no one understands. She gets in trouble on the daily, she makes bad grades, and has a reputation that is completely out of control. From the outside in she just seems like a bad girl who can't get it together, but maybe there's a bit more to the story than that. With a psychotic mom and an absent father, maybe no one else can understand Dylan the way Presley could. Maybe it's a good thing that the beautiful bad girl can see through the sad good boy's mask. Maybe each other is exactly what the both of them need.

*TRIGGER WARNING contains mature content such as, but not limited to: Rape, abuse, drugs, alcohol, depression and self-harm*

Title: You Don't Know You're Beautiful (Bri and Brandon's story)

Genre: teen fiction


Briana Clark's life was spiraling downhill extremely quickly after the attack that had left her scarred in more ways than one. Her life seemed to be coming apart at the seams and she didn't even want to live anymore. What's the point when your own family seems to hate you anyways? Why did this happen to HER of all people? And who could love her AND the scars that the attack left behind?

That's where Brandon Sears comes in. Brandon was always just her older brother's best friend. He was cute and he'd never go for someone like Bri, especially after the attack that left her disfigured, depressed, and broken.... Right? Wrong, completely and utterly wrong. Brandon had been in love with briana since he was 15 years old. But In fears of his friendship with Aiden falling apart he kept it a secret. That is until he sees Briana self-harming and going down a slippery slope that seems to end up nowhere good. Brandon has to show her that People do love her and she is absolutely amazing. (FFL SPIN-OFF)

*can be read as a standalone, but it is recommended to read "Fighting For Life" first*

*TRIGGER WARNING contains mature content such as, but not limited to: Rape, abuse, drugs, gangs, alcohol, depression and self-harm*

Title: Different Paths (Tommy's story)

Genre: Teen fiction


Tommy Dennings was always the guy that cracked the jokes and made people laugh. He was never the guy that got the girl. He constantly lived in the shadow of his cousin, Aiden, who had girls fawning all over him anywhere he went. Nope, that just wasn't Tommy. Tom was just... Tom. That's why when he suddenly has 3 girls interested him he has no idea what to do. Follow Tommy down whichever path life leads him, it's going to be one bumpy ride. (FFL SPIN-OFF)

*can be read as a standalone, but it is recommended to read "Fighting For Life" first*


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