The Underground

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I walked up the darkened pathway to the heavy door. It smelled like smoke and sweat the closer I got to the establishment. I nodded calmly at the bouncer and he opened the door for me within an instance, barely even glancing at me. That was the beauty of being me, hardly anyone noticed me. I was, for the most part, invisible and unnoticeable.

I made my way through the door and was immediately assaulted by all the smells at once. If I hadn't of been used to it, I might've gagged. I instantly made a bee line for the bar pushing through the sweaty people who were dancing on the small dance floor and weaving around drunks.

I sat down on a bar stool and waited patiently. "Welcome to the underground, what can I- AUBRY!" Jace, the attractive dark-skinned young bartender, yelled over the music.

"Jace!" I said mocking him as he smirked at me.

Jace and I were cool, not quite friends but more than acquaintances. That was how I got free drinks every night I came in, it pays off to be nice to the bartender.

"You know I've been asked by several people about a girl fitting your description. Dark long hair, pale skin, small.... But It's been like a month since you've been here! You used to come every night." He said looking at me curiously as if he was trying to figure me out.

The Underground was one of my main places of business. It's where I pushed most of my supply out. There were many drug addicts that frequented the sketchy place, so the drugs were easy to sell at the Underground. I could even upcharge them most of the time, high demand equals high costs.

It was the perfect place to get away with selling drugs, the whole place was running on unlawful behavior anyhow. What was a little drug dealing compared to a whole underground fighting ring, gang involvement, cop bribery, underage alcohol selling and consumption, and much, much more?

Now, though, after getting beaten by Daniel... I was regretting even becoming a dealer. I should have figured out another way. I should have just did a redo the night of my fifteenth birthday. Then, none of this would have even happened. I wouldn't have even needed to ask Demetri for help at all. It all would have been okay.

Of course, only me and the drug addicts knew that I was the one selling the illegal substances. I liked to keep a low profile; I never gave any of my customers my name, and I always kept my hood up most of the time. So, I prayed that I wouldn't be bothered too much. I didn't have the energy for that. Plus, it had been a whole month since I had visited the place, so I hoped that the druggies all found new connections. After all, a month without a fix is a long time in an addict's mind.

"You know you literally just described like half of the girls here, right?" I told him with a scoff and a playful eyeroll. "But if anyone asks for me specifically... tell them I'm dead. I don't want any of these nasty people looking for me." I laughed with a shrug making Jace shake his head with me.

He laughed, "what can I get you?"

"A double, triple, hell make it a quadruple." I huffed.

"Bad day today?" He asked as he poured me two doubles.

I nodded trying not to think about how horrible my day had actually been. "You have no idea," I said taking the first shot quickly. I smiled as the burning sensation went down my throat tickling it slightly. I wasted no time and took the second one right after the first. I looked up at Jace, "mmm bourbon... my favorite." I welcomed in the feeling of drunkenness but barely felt anything. I needed more.

"Damn girl, here..." Jace said handing me a medium sized cup. "It's a whiskey and coke, mostly whiskey for you. Slow down though. I can't afford to give you a hundred free drinks. Once you get to seven, I'm cutting you off. You should be pretty well drunk by then."

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