This Is Going To Be A Long Day

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Aubry's POV-

I was walking quickly on an unpopulated street as I made my way to school. I was probably less than a mile or so away from the school. It was still drizzling outside and the air was cool on my exposed skin. I was hurting and so ready to be at my destination. I was saving time with the slight shortcut down the not-so-good street that I took. I wasn't too worried about it though. After all, the area that I grew up in was way worse so I figured that I would be fine.

I passed a familiar black SUV in front of a cream colored 1 story house. I quickened my pace as soon as I realized who's car that was. I just prayed that he was actually inside the house, and not waiting in the car for his muscle to do his dirty work for him.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" I heard from behind me in the voice that I know all too well. I knew that was just wishful thinking. I didn't stop at his words, I just continued to walk briskly down the street.

"Hey bitch, stop." He demanded.

I did not oblige.

Suddenly I felt nails scrape the flesh on my scalp as he yanked my hair forcefully. I whimpered as he pulled me backwards. "I said stop, you whore!" He said turning me around to face him.

"What do you want Daniel?" I spat out as he tightened his grip in my hair, I wouldn't have been surprised if I got a bald spot. He pulled my head back to meet his eyes, they were blood shot and angry indicating that he was drunk.

"Have you gotten our money yet?" He slurred while looking to the front door of the house scooting me closer to the other side of the building. I tried to resist but I was little, so I was easy to maneuver.

"It's been like a single day. So no, obviously I haven't pulled twenty-five thousand dollars out of thin air." I spat out venomously. Obviously, talking to him like that while in the predicament that I was in wasn't the wisest decision, but honestly fuck 'em. I was so angry. Very angry, angry at my body for hurting, angry at the man in front of me for doing this to my body, but most of all angry at myself for letting this happen to me.

Daniel bit out a bitter laugh at my words, "oh so you think you're grown now? You think you can talk to me like that?" He pushed me against the brick house and pressed himself against me, trapping me. "God, you sure are stupid aren't you? Even your drug addict whore of a mother wasn't this stupid." He paused, "now your father on the other hand... he definitely is."

He paused and looked me over. "You know... there has always been speculation around you." He said cryptically. "People have always suspected Demetri to be your real daddy, not Frank. I know, though, you're Frank's little girl. You're an imbecile just like him."

He laughed in my face as I took in his information that he was spouting off. Was that true?

"Yep, you got your mother's looks but your father's brain. Your sister never acted like this. Kelsey always was the smart one, the more liked one, the good one. Not prettier though, you have her beat out for that one; she looks too much like Frank. You, on the other hand, look just like Jenny. How my brother has restrained himself all these years, I'll never know. Your mother was always fun, up for anything, I do understand my brother liking her in that aspect. I bet you're just as fun." He ran his hand up my thigh as he babbled on drunkenly.

I froze as he touched me. There was no way that I was going to allow whatever was going through his brain to happen to me. I pushed him as hard as I could but the man didn't even flinch.

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